- UHD630 with 2560MB VRAM
- USB type A ports (2.0 & 3.0)
- Native NVRAM r/w
- cAVS audio with internal speakers & audio jack
- Intel Bluetooth, able to toggle on/off
- I2C Synaptics trackpad, up to 5 finger gestures
- PS2 keyboard
- Battery management
- WiFi(8086)
- Thunderbolt (kinda? it does not detect Thunderbolt at all but if I boot the laptop with a RX580 egpu it works as a pcie device )
- Brightness controls
- HDMI port (wired to NVIDIA, thus it's dead)
- Cardreader (PCI and not USB)
Check the original repo where i took most of the stuff that helped me to solve my laptop