
A class of monads which can fail with an error

Primary LanguageHaskell


This package provides a class for monads which can fail with an error

>   class Monad m => MonadFailure e m where
>       failure :: e -> m a

There is further information in the Haskell wiki:



There are two versions of this library, one packaging instances for the
monads defined in the transformers library, and another one with instances
for the monad transformer library (mtl).

You can install each of them with Cabal by first removing the .pp suffix
from its associated cabal descriptor and then running the command "cabal install".
The cabal descriptor files are:

transformers  -  control-monad-failure.cabal.pp
mtl           -  control-monad-failure-mtl.cabal.pp


The sources are available in a git repository at:


Patches are welcome.