
Integration scripts for the PEPFAR DATIM Data Alignment Activity

Primary LanguagePython


Sripts to import/export a country Indicator Mapping (IMAP) into/from OCL.


Please run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required dependencies

Environment setup

  1. Create a data/ folder (in the root of the project folder) that the python scripts have write access to
  2. Set environment configuration in settings.py. Some settings may be hard-coded or set as environment variables:
# OCL Authentication API
oclapitoken = os.environ['OCL_API_TOKEN']

# OCL Environment URL
oclenv = os.environ['OCL_ENV']

# Whether to compare to previous export before import
compare2previousexport = os.environ['COMPARE_PREVIOUS_EXPORT'] in ['true', 'True'] 


Command-line help

Many of these scripts are setup to work on the command line and provide command-line help:

python imapimport.py --help
python imapexport.py --help
python showmoh.py --help
python getimaporgs.py --help
python imapdiff.py --help
python imapbackup.py --help
python imaprestore.py --help


# Get list of available PEPFAR DAA codelists (e.g. one per reporting cycle)
python showmoh.py --env=qa

# Get details of a specific codelist, e.g. DAA-FY21
python showmoh.py --env=qa -p=DAA-FY21

# Get list of country IMAPs loaded in the target OCL environment
python getimaporgs.py --env=qa -t=[your-ocl-api-token-here]

# Import a country IMAP
python imapimport.py -c=TEST -p=DAA-FY21 --env=qa -t=[your-ocl-api-token-here] -v2 imap-samples/DEMO-DAA-FY21.json

# Export a country IMAP
python imapexport.py -c=TEST -p=DAA-FY21 --env=qa -t=[your-ocl-api-token-here] -v2

# Compare an imported country IMAP with the original file
python imapdiff.py --env=qa -c=TEST -p=DAA-FY21 -t=[your-ocl-api-token-here] imap-samples/DEMO-DAA-FY21.json

# Backup all IMAPs in a target OCL environment
python imapbackup.py --env=qa -t=[your-ocl-api-token-here] > my-imap-backup-file.json

# Restore IMAPs to a target OCL environment (note this will overwrite existing IMAPs)
python imaprestore.py --env=qa -t=[your-ocl-api-token-here] my-imap-backup-file.json



  • settings.py - Configure environment variables here
  • settings.blank.py - A blank settings file if you're starting from scratch
  • requirements.txt - Required python packages

New OCL environment or codelist setup

  • importinit.py - Use to load content, e.g. a codelist for a new reporting cycle
  • init/dhis2_moh_csv_to_ocl_json.py - Script to transform a DHIS2 CSV codelist to an OCL-formatted JSON. This needs to be used for each reporting cycle.
  • init/* - Sample JSON to start a project (e.g. DAA-FY22 codelist: datim_moh_fy22_daa.json)

Command-line scripts

  • IMAP Import and Export
    • imapimport.py - Import an IMAP into a target OCL environment
    • imapexport.py - Export an IMAP from a target OCL environment
  • Helper functions
    • showmoh.py - Get a PEPFAR MOH Alignment codelist (e.g. DAA-FY22)
    • getimaporgs.py - Get a list of countries and or a list of IMAPs
    • imapdiff.py - Generate a diff between 2 IMAPs
  • Backup and restore (to work with multiple IMAPs)
    • imapbackup.py - Backup a set of IMAPs into a single file from a target OCL environment
    • imaprestore.py - Restore a saved IMAP backup file to a target OCL environment
    • imapdiffbackup.py - Generate a diff between 2 IMAP backup files

Sample IMAPs

  • imap-samples/* - Sample IMAP JSON and CSV files

Test scripts:

  • imaptest.py - A generic script to easily run a batch of tests on IMAP resources
  • imaptestcompareocl2csv.py - Test script to compare IMAP from OCL to an IMAP stored in a file
  • imaptestmediator.py - Test script to export an IMAP using a mediator

Supporting code

  • datim/* - Business logic for working with IMAPs
  • common.py - A few shared functions used by all of the command-line scripts
  • utils/* - A few utility scripts if you need to work directly with an environment
  • A few other old scripts: status_util.py, iol.py, oclPassThroughReqeusts.py, status_util.py