
Primary LanguageArduino

FM Transmitter on Arduino/chipKIT


  • chipKIT Max32
  • Radiometrix HX1 or similar radio
  • A couple of resistors, wire and a breadboard


I recommend hooking up the radio to the chipKIT with a voltage divider circuit. The input to the radio needs to shift between 2 levels to represent the high/low tones for the modem protocol.

Background: http://ukhas.org.uk/guides:linkingarduinotontx2?s[]=rtty

Radio, Breadboard and chipKIT Wired Up


The minimodem tool works well for decoding. Just run:

minimodem --rx 300 --ascii --stopbits 2 -a -q

where 300 is the baud rate you've configured for the transmitter.

Run this to hear the audio locally (if you use pulseaudio):

pactl load-module module-loopback latency_msec=1

Alternative Setups

  • Use the PWM to create an output wave
  • Pass the output voltage through a low pass filter using two poles

trackuino has a nice implementation of AX.25

Known Issues

SPACE/MARK were reversed, hence why we couldn't decode anything. Tested with the "Rv" button in dl-fdigi, then added an option to librtty to reverse in software. Our circuit needs to pull the TX pin HIGH to send SPACE, and LOW to send MARK.


Use a queue for packets scheduled to send?

how do we make that async with interrupts?


create a timer interrupt to match the baud rate or keep track of when last bit was sent, and don't send another bit until time is up - might be simpler and still allows loop() to continue