
A Django implementation of an OIDC Provider on top of IdentityPython jwtconnect stack.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


CI build pypi License Python version

A Django implementation of an OIDC Provider/OAuth2 AS on top of jwtconnect.io. This project is based on IdentityPython oidc-op. Please consult the official oidc-op documentation for any further information about its features and capabilities.

To configure a standard OIDC Provider you have to edit the oidcop configuration file. See django-oidc-op/oidc_provider/tests/example/example/settings.py and django-oidc-op/oidc_provider/tests/example/example/oidc_provider_settings.py to get in.

Run the example demo

git clone https://github.com/peppelinux/django-oidc-op.git
cd django-oidc-op

pip install -r requirements.txt
cd example

./manage.py createsuperuser

bash run.sh

Example Relying-Party

You can use JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP as follow:

cd JWTConnect-Python-OidcRP/example
RP_LOGFILE_NAME="./flrp.django.log" python3 -m flask_rp.wsgi ../django-oidc-op/example/data/oidc_rp/conf.django.yaml

You can also use a scripted RP handler on top of oidc-rp

python3 snippets/rp_handler.py -c oidc_provider/tests/oidc_rp/conf.json -u test -p testami18 -iss django_provider


This project relyies interely on behaviour and features provided by oidcop, to get an exaustive integration in Django it adopts the following customizations.


In the example project it handles all the oidcop configurations. I think it's more cleaner but feel free to adapt in your preferred schema.


  • OIDCOP_CONFIG is a python dictionary that contains the oidcop configuration.
  • OIDC_URL_PREFIX, eg: oidcop/ if present will be used as url path in all the oidcop endpoints, except for .well-known/openid-configuration. In the example project I put this parameter in oidc_provider_settings, default is ''.

UserInfo endpoint

Claims to be released are configured in op.server_info.user_info (in oidc_provider_settings.py). The attributes release and user authentication mechanism rely on classes implemented in oidc_op/users.py.

Configuration Example:

      "userinfo": {
        "class": "oidc_provider.users.UserInfo",
        "kwargs": {
            # map claims to django user attributes here:
            "claims_map": {
                "phone_number": "telephone",
                "family_name": "last_name",
                "given_name": "first_name",
                "email": "email",
                "verified_email": "email",
                "gender": "gender",
                "birthdate": "get_oidc_birthdate",
                "updated_at": "get_oidc_lastlogin"


Running tests

running tests

./manage.py test oidc_provider


coverage erase
coverage run manage.py test oidc_provider
coverage report -m


  • Giuseppe De Marco



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