- Customer service (port 8080)
- Fraud service (port 8081)
- Notification service (port 8082)
- Eureka Server (to list all services) (port 8761)
- API Gateway (currently only for 'Customer service') (port 8083)
- RabbitMQ (dockerized) (port 5672 - where services will connect) (port 15672 - management board)
- Zipkin (dockerized) and Micrometer for tracing (port 9411)
- Feign Client
- All services are interacting with a MySQL database (dockerized) (port 3307)
- Customer service -> Fraud service -> Customer service -> QUEUE -> Notification service
- Standard modules ('clients' and 'amqp') will use standard Maven
- Other actual microservices will use Spring Boot Maven Plugin (repackage) (see microservices' pom.xml)