
Pepper is an automatic GraphQL exposing Laravel package. It uses your application defined models to auto define properties and relations. It supports Query and Mutation out of the box.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Install via composer:

composer require pepperlabs/pepper

Pepper is an automatic GraphQL exposing Laravel package. It uses your application defined models to auto define properties and relations. It supports Query and Mutation out of the box.


  • Customizable validation, authentication, and authorization
  • Optional JWT support for protecting routes including login, register, forget password and reset password
  • Support all Laravel Eloquent databases (SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer)

Please note that this repo is still a work-in-progress project.

Version support

PHP: 8.1

Laravel: 9.x

Supported databases

As it uses Laravel Eloquent only, it can support all supported Laravel ORM such as: SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL and, SQLServer.

If you discover a security vulnerability within Pepper, please send an e-mail to Amirmasoud Sheydaei via amirmasoud.sheydaei@gmail.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.



Run PHPStan:


composer analyse


composer test


composer test-coverage


composer format


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File File for more information.