Migration project for moving JET Learning Path from MVVM Architecture to VDOM Architecture.
The existing Learning Path for Building a web application with Oracle JET uses TypeScript and the MVVM architecture. http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=jetlatest&id=jet-learning-paths
This project will take that Learning Path's final application and migrate it to the new JET Virtual DOM (VDOM) Architecture.
- Nodejs v14 or higher (latest LTS recommended)
- Clone the project
- type npm install from the root of the project
- type npx ojet serve from the root of the project
If you are running both the MVVM and new VDOM project ( this project) at the same time, the MVVM app must run on port 8000 to use the live external REST service.
You can run the VDOM project during development from a different server and livereload port. The NPM scripts included in the package.json file now do this automatically for you when you use the below command.
npm run serve