
A cbftp python wrapper to manage uploads and pres

Primary LanguagePython

pypre - a cbftp python wrapper to manage uploads and pres

Note: this repository is a mirror, and only tagged releases are tracked.

pypre gives convenient commands to upload, fxp and pre releases using the cbftp REST API. It does not handle spread jobs.

pypre is fully typed and mypy compliant.


pypre requires Python>=3.9, and is only tested on Linux.

It is recommended to use a virtual environment to run this program. Be sure to have setuptools installed.

virtualenv env
pip install -U pip setuptools wheels

To install the package:

pip install .

Make sure to have cbftp up and running, and check that the REST API is activated.


pypre is almost entirely configurable. You can find an example config at config_example.toml.

By default, pypre will use the environment variable PYPRE_CONFIG to determine the location of your config file. If not set, it will use the path config/config.toml from the current working directory.


You can add multiple cbftp servers. Here is an example configuration:


base_url = 'https://adress:port'
password = 'password'
verify = false
proxy = 'my_proxy'
  • cbftp_1 is a generic name. You can set any name you want.
  • base_url and password are the REST API url and password.
  • verify is used to determine wether SSL certificates should be ignored. By default, should be set to false.
  • proxy is the proxy name to be used to request the cbftp API. The proxy should be defined in proxies.


To determine the section from the release name, a regex matching configuration must be set:

sections = [

Each regex value of the configuration will be tested one by one, until a match is found (matches are case insensitive). It is therefore recommended to define the most specific sections first.

To determine the site section, this matching pattern will be used. By default, the key corresponding to the regex pattern will be used. If sections_config is defined in the site configuration, the mapping from the site will be used (see below).


The following example will be used:

id = 'XX'
groups_dir = '/groups/'
all = 'GROUP'
match_group = true
default = 'DEFAULT_GROUP'

ebook-fr = 'ebook'
  • id: the cbftp site name, case sensitive. It is advised to use the same as the config key.
  • groups_dir: the site group directory.
  • dir_config: defines which group directory should be used on site depending on the release name.
    • all: this group directory will be used in any case, no matter the release name group tag.
    • match_group: will use the release name tag as the group directory.
    • default: if the returned group directory does not exist on the site, will use this one instead.
    • group_map: If 'all' or 'match_group' is not set, will use this dictionnary to map group tag from the release name to a specific directory
  • sections_config: optional section configuration. Once the section have been determined using the [sections] mapping, the section will be mapped to a site specific section.

Here is a use case of the last parameter:

The section of the release release.FRENCH.eBook-GRP returned by the the [sections] regex pattern matching is ebook-fr.

Let's say we have two sites, S1 and S2:

  • The French ebook section of S1 is ebook-fr. Therefore we don't need any more configuration and sections_config can be omitted.
  • There is no French ebook section on S2, and ebook should be used. We can then define a sections_config this way:
ebook-fr = 'ebook'


my_proxy = ''

You can define proxies here. If set, the socks5 proxy from the cbftp config will be used when connecting to the API.


Logging can be configured through the use of the configuration file (dictConfig is used). A default config is given in config_example.toml

To add another handler (say a RotatingFileHandler) to pypre, add the following to your config:

class = 'logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler'
formatter = 'verbose'
filename = 'pypre.log'
maxBytes = 10485760
backupCount = 5

And add the created rotatingfile handler to the logging.loggers.pypre.handlers list.


pypre provides three main commands, upload, fxp and pre.

You can find help for each command using:

pypre cmd -h  # Or pp cmd -h

For generic parameters, you can check the main command help:

pypre -h

To tell which cbftp server to use, specify the server name via the --cbftp option:

pypre --cbftp cbftp_1 cmd

You can also set a default value with the [arguments] configuration. See the example config for more details.

You can provide the releases to be processed in several ways:

  • Using the --releases argument
  • From a file using the --file argument
  • Using a glob expression with the --glob argument

To abort transfers, you can use your keyboard interrupt key.


  • Use spread jobs to FXP.
  • Check if exceptions are defined properly.
  • Fix progress bars on fxp transfers.
  • Add more logging.
  • Fix MP3 internal releases not parsed properly by CBFTPManager.get_group_dir