
Custom paragraph element that includes improved styling.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Paragraph elements that support multiline text that will truncate with an ellipsis when the text overflows the parent element. Adds a tooltip attribute on the element with the original non-truncated text.


<pep-p>Some text content that will be truncated to fit the parent element without overflowing.</pep-p>

  Just like regular paragraphs, you can use <b>Phrasing Content</b> elements inside.
  See a list of Phrasing Content elements on <a href="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Content_categories#Phrasing_content">mdn</a>

Install with NPM

Install directly from the PepsiCo github repo.

npm install --save git+https://github.com/pepsico-ecommerce/pep-p.git

How to Use

Import/Include the pep-p once into your project.

import 'pep-p';

###Note: You only need to include import 'pep-p'; once in your project. It registers the Custom Element allowing the browser to understand the <pep-p></pep-p> tag.