
Monogatari is a simple web visual novel engine, created to bring Visual Novels to the web.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Built to bring Visual Novels to the modern web and take them to the next level, making it easy for anyone to create and distribute Visual Novels in a simple way so that anyone can enjoy them on pretty much anywhere, create games with features that no one has ever imagined... it is time for Visual Novels to Evolve.

Website: https://monogatari.io/


You can see the documentation in https://monogatari.io/documentation/

You can also contribute to the documentation in the Website repository


If you have contributed to this project, or in the webpage, please make sure you are listed in the contributors list of the website, you can add yourself in the contributors file of the website


Monogatari is an open-source project released under the MIT License.