
shell script to generate a blocklist (phishing, malware, ransomware etc.) from various sources

Primary LanguageShell


This is a simple shell script, utilizing a subset of coreutils, awk, curl, gzip, jq, python3 and sed to aggregate domain blocklists from various sources.

Why Shell

The tools used here are readily available and simple to use. The main objective of this project is to have a portable script, working with what's (most probably), already available.


Copy domain-aggregator.sh, make sure its executable (chmod +x domain-aggregator.sh) and set the args, according to your needs.

Optional: drop a script (in /etc/cron.daily), executing domain-aggregator.sh, in order to automate updates


domain-aggregator.sh [-h] [-o /<path>] [-t /<path>] [-b /<path>] [-w /<path>]

fetch and concatenate/clean a list of potentially unwanted domains

    -h  show this help text
    -o  path for the output file
    -t  path to a directory, to be used as storage for temporary files
        default: /tmp
    -b  path to a list of domains to block
    -w  path to a list of domains to whitelist

How to add new sources

Follow the existing setup.

For example fetch_domains_comments will fetch generic list and remove comments. While fetch_hosts will attempt to fetch and sanitize a commonly-used format - hosts.

Keep in mind there's additional processing done in sanitize_domain_list

How to remove sources

Simply comment the lines related to that list.

For example to disable adguard, you can turn:

echo "[*] update adguard domain list..."

fetch_adblock_rules "<url>"


#echo "[*] update adguard domain list..."

#fetch_adblock_rules "<url>"


  • Check your sources. Sources may put unverified domains in their lists, resulting in false-positives (even for popular websites like Dropbox, Instagram, etc.).
  • Use a RAM-disk (tmpfs) to store temporary files when using flash storage.
  • Make sure your filtering application can handle large lists. The default setup generates a blocklists with more than a million domains.
  • Its a good idea to white-list all the domains associated with fetching blocklists, as some of the sources may block websites hosting other sources.