
NodeStream shell

Primary LanguagePHP

NodeStream Shell

NodeStream shell is a set of tools that can be used to easily get going with developing NodeStream-based profiles and projects.



  • Clone the repository

              git clone git@github.com:WKLive/nosh.git ~/nosh
  • Fetch composer (sensible defaults added to command here)

              curl -s getcomposer.org/installer | php -d detect_unicode=Off -d date.timezone=UTC
  • Install Composer

              cd ~/nosh
              ./composer.phar install
  • Symlink Nosh to your bin

              sudo ln -s ~/nosh/nosh.php /usr/bin/nosh


  • it probably not a bad idea to have run (outside the ~/nosh dir) Vagrant before testing Nosh

              vagrant box add base http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box
              vagrant init
              vagrant up

! don't forget to stop the initial Vagrant box and optionally destroy it

Mac OS X Nosh install helper script

Can be found here. This script will guide you through setting up Nosh on Mac OS X. A more streamlined version that supports Homebrew installs of Drush and Composer, as well as a helper script for Linux is on the way...

Access and Credentials

  • Access via browser to the web root is defined in the Vagrant file:, you can add this entry to /etc/hosts

Mac OS X GUI hint: Hosts.prefpane


  • host:
  • user: root
  • pass: password


  • host:
  • user: vagrant
  • pass: vagrant

Setting up projects with Nosh

New Vagrant based project

            cd ~/My-Nosh-Projects
            nosh create-project foo_bar
            cd foo_bar
            vagrant up