
The Westermo network traffic dataset (fork for Zenodo)

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The Westermo network traffic data set

by Per Erik Strandberg, David Söderman, Alireza Dehlaghi-Ghadim, Miguel Leon Ortiz, Tijana Markovic, Sasikumar Punnekkat, Mahshid Helali Moghadam, and David Buffoni.

Westermo Network Technologies AB (Västerås, Sweden), RISE Research Institutes of Sweden (Västerås, Sweden), Mälardalen University (Västerås, Sweden) and Tietoevry (Stockholm, Sweden).

April 2023 (version v 1.0)


There is a growing body of knowledge on network intrusion detection, and several open data sets with network traffic and cyber-security threats have been released in the past decades. However, many datasets have aged, were not collected in a contemporary industrial communication system, or do not easily support research focusing distributed anomaly detection. This repository presents the Westermo network traffic data set, 1.8 million network packets recorded in over 90 minutes in a network built up of twelve hardware devices. In addition to the raw data in pcap-format, the data set also contains pre-processed data in the form of network flows in cvs-files. This data set can support the research community for topics such as intrusion detection, anomaly detection, misconfiguration detection, distributed or federated AI, and attack classification. In particular, we aim to use the data set to continue work on resource constrained distributed AI in edge devices.

Keywords: industrial communication system, cyber-physical systems, network intrusion detection, distributed artificial intelligence.


The release of this data set is motivated by several factors:

  • High value to research: realistic industry data is frequently requested by researchers.). As far as we can tell, network traffic data sets are not often collected in multiple places in the same network topology in the same experiment.
  • Beneficence in general: Releasing the data might do good as new research, algorithms or tools could be valuable not only for researchers, but also for the general public, and for Westermo.
  • Industry-academia relations: One often says that there is a distance between academia and industry, release of data could hopefully render researched solutions more realistic and would thereby lower thresholds for industry adoption of research artifacts, as well as simplify relations between academia and industry.

Network topology used.

Overall network topology used during data collection. Pink: A1 and A2 were used for generating anomalies. Blue: Westermo devices in the controller network. Green: Raspberry Pis running HMI or PLCs of ICSSIM. Gray: Raspberry Pi running the physical world simulator of ICSSIM.

Data description

Raw Data

The raw data consists of two sets of pcap-files of network traffic collected with tcpdump. Each packet represents a packet going into or out of one of the device doing the recording: left, right, or bottom, see Figure. Some packets would first go into the device and then out of it, so there are many duplicated packets in the data. The physical world and factory simulator of ICSSIM was used in the data collection, and some of this traffic is not representative of a factory. For this reason, we present two sets of pcap-files: the reduced set where the physical world simulator is removed, and the extended dataset where it is kept. See above Tables for an overview of the amount of packets in the pcap-files, as well as an overview of the communication protocols used.

When network events are triggered, this is described in a log-file with timestamps and other information needed to make sense of the network traffic. One could say that this description contains information on labels of the network as a whole (not individual packets). Labels for individual packets could possibly be inferred.


left bottom right
ARP 12547 10230 6183
ICMP 26 - -
IGMP 1650 2875 438
LLDP 905 1086 543
RSTP 8163 13608 5445
TCP 256378 1484940 21740
UDP 1436 1076 718
Total 281105 1513815 35067


left bottom right
ARP 12639 11513 6234
ICMP 26 4636 6
IGMP 1650 3284 438
LLDP 905 1086 543
RSTP 8163 13608 5445
TCP 256378 4348980 21740
UDP 1436 1076 718
Total 281197 4384183 35124

Data Cleaning

To protect Westermo, the data set was analyzed prior to release. Some traffic that was unwanted, or that could possibly reveal details of various Westermo assets, has been removed. In order to prepare the reduced and extended data sets, traffic going to or from the SimFact node was removed. In these analysis and filtration steps, Python3 and Scapy was used.

Network Flows, Processed Data for Machine Learning}

In addition, we have analyzed the network traffic with a tool to extract network flows. The ICSFlowGenerator tool by Ghadim et al. is implemented in Python with the Scapy library. It iterates through the raw PCAP data, and creates CSV files with flow features. The CSV files contain 54 columns with 50 features and 4 labels. There are three categories of features: flow features, general features, and TCP features.

In the CSV files, flows have been labeled with two different strategies: Injection Timing (IT) strategy (Lemay and Fernandez, 2016) and Network Security Tools (NST) (Guerra et al., 2022). For the IT strategy we label all traffic as anomalous during an ongoing attack, whereas the NST strategy only labels traffic from or to the attacker as anomalous.

Network Devices used

Overview of hardware used:

Name Initial IP MAC Hardware
A1 00:24:9b:6d:b8:89 Laptop
A2 b8:27:eb:d1:b7:ef Raspberry Pi 3B+
hub 00:07:7c:88:6e:83 Westermo router
left 00:07:7c:88:6e:63 Westermo router
filler 00:07:7c:29:de:41 Westermo router
right 00:07:7c:29:de:61 Westermo router
top 00:07:7c:8c:43:83 Westermo router
bottom 00:07:7c:8c:43:63 Westermo router
PLC1 b8:27:eb:6d:4f:4b Raspberry Pi 3 v1.2
PLC2 b8:27:eb:5b:50:19 Raspberry Pi 3B+
HMI1 b8:27:eb:15:88:9c Raspberry Pi 3 v1.2
SimFact b8:27:eb:3e:5d:96 Raspberry Pi 2B

The network traffic was collected in a physical network topology constructed to be similar to an industrial communication network, see above Figure and Table. With ICSSIM this network simulated a bottle filling factory.

Twelve physical devices were involved: a laptop, six routers, and five Raspberry Pi (RPI) devices, see details in above Table. The six routers acted as the industrial communication system, and ran the RSTP redundancy protocol. One of the RPIs acted as Human-machine interfaces (HMI) of the factory simulator, and two acted as programmable logic controllers (PLC). The fourth RPI ran the simulator for the physical world (with water tanks, etc.), and the final RPI ran the attack toolkit from ICSSIM.

To trigger network events, A1 ran scripts implemented with Westermo's test automation framework (see Strandberg 2021). A2 was used for the man-in-the-middle (MITM). The network events were:

  • Good ssh: the user alice uses ssh to login to one of the devices and checks the contents of a log file.
  • Bad ssh: A1 generates a number of unsuccessful ssh login attempts to a randomly selected router using randomly selected usernames and passwords from a set of credentials based on Mirai botnet.
  • Misconf ip: A user sets an invalid IP on a router, e.g.\ setting it to instead of (note the swapped second and third octet). After some time, a reasonable address is configured. This was configured over a serial console to the router (i.e., the configuration cannot be discovered in the network data, only the effect of the configuration).
  • Misconf same IP: A user sets the same IP on two devices. After some time, a different address is set. Again, this was configured from the console.
  • Port scan: A1 runs nmap to scan the ports of one or more device in the network.
  • MITM attack: A2 runs a MITM attack, steals network traffic in a link, and rewrites certain packets.

The events were conducted in batches, one after the other, and repeated 16 times for a total of 96 events. Between each event there was between 12 and 28 seconds of time for recovery and for the network to be idle. Each batch had the order of the events randomized. The total duration of the data recording was about 5440 seconds, or a little over 90 minutes.

Ethics statements

To protect Westermo and individuals that contributed to the data, information security risk workshops have been conducted at Westermo.


This work has been funded by Westermo Network Technologies AB, and the InSecTT project through ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No. 876038.

Some authors of this paper are employed at Westermo Network Technologies AB.


This data set is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International.

In short, you are free to: share, copy and redistribute the material; and to adapt, remix, transform, and build upon it for any purpose; under the condition that you you give appropriate credit, and do not restrict others from doing anything the license permits. Read the license for details.

Suggested attribution: P. E. Strandberg, D. Söderman, A. Dehlaghi-Ghadim, M. Leon Ortiz, T. Markovic, S. Punnekkat, M. Helali Moghadam, and D. Buffoni. (2023). The Westermo network traffic data set. Retrieved from https://github.com/westermo


  1. A. D. Ghadim, A. Balador, M. H. Moghadam, H. Hansson, and M. Conti. ICSSIM -- a framework for building industrial control systems security testbeds. Computers in Industry, 148:103906, 2023.
  2. A. D. Ghadim, A. Balador, M. Helali Moghadam, and H. Hansson. Anomaly detection dataset for industrial control systems. (in press), 2023.
  3. J. L. Guerra, C. Catania, and E. Veas. Datasets are not enough: Challenges in labeling network traffic. Computers & Security, 120:102810, 2022.
  4. A. Lemay and J. M. Fernandez. Providing scada network data sets for intrusion detection research. In CSET@ USENIX Security Symposium, 2016.
  5. T. Markovic, M. Leon, D. Buffoni, and S. Punnekkat. Random forest based on federated learning for intrusion detection. In Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations: 18th IFIP WG 12.5 International Conference, AIAI 2022, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, June 17–20, 2022, Proceedings, Part I, pages 132–144. Springer, 2022.
  6. P. E. Strandberg. Automated System-Level Software Testing of Industrial Networked Embedded Systems. PhD thesis, Mälardalen University, 2021.