An NHibernate example which shows a entity is updated despite its not changed.
I'm using FluentNHibernate for this example. The following is pseudocode.
Assume we have an entity:
class Entity
Public Guid Id { get; set; }
public int RowVersion { get; set; }
public Entity Parent { get; set; }
public ISet<Entity> Children { get; set; }
With the following map
class EntityMap : Classmap<Entity>
public EntityMap()
this.Id(x => x.Id).Not.Nullable().GeneratedBy.Assigned;
this.Version(x => x.RowVersion).Not.Nullable().UnsavedValue("0");
this.HasMany(x => x.Children).Inverse(); // our children are responsible for saving themselves ...
this.References(x => x.Parent).Foreignkey("Parent_Id");
We create our first data (with a fresh session which is committed and flushed at the end etc)
Guid parentId = Guid.NewGuid();
Guid childId= Guid.NewGuid();
// session 1
using ISession session = OpenSession();
// session.BeginTransaction(ReadCommitted);
var parent = new Entity() { Id = parentId };
// transaction.Commit()
In some other session we create our child data and assign parent:
// session 2
using ISession session = OpenSession();
var child= new Entity();
var parent = session.Get<Entity>(parentId);
parent.Children.Add(child); // just as example
child.Parent = parent;
session.SaveOrUpdate(parent, child);
Current behavior:
Nhibernate generates SQL which is updating the entities RowVersion and nothing else.
update "Entity" set "RowVersion"=2 where "Id" = parentId;
insert into "Entity" (Id, RowVersion) values (childId, 1);
Expected behavior:
"parent" (identified by "parentId") remains unchanged (RowVersion 1) since it was not changed.
insert into Entity (Id, RowVersion) values (childId, 1);
// session 3
using ISession session = OpenSession();
var child = session.Get<Entity>(childId);
var parent = session.Get<Entity>(parentId);
Assert.AreEqual(1, parent.RowVersion);
Assert.AreEqual(1, child.RowVersion);