Collection of Laravel Packages which aims to help developers when building Laravel Apps.
- Laravel 5 IDE Helper Generator - Generates a helper file for IDE auto-completion.
- Laravel API Documentation Generator - Automatically generate your API documentation from your existing Laravel routes.
- Laravel Generator - Get your APIs and Admin Panel ready in minutes.
- Laravel 5 Extended Generators - This package extends the core file generators that are included with Laravel 5.
- Laravel Dot Env Generator - A Laravel 5 command that generates a .env.gen file containing all environment variables defined in .env as well as any undefined variables that are being used throughout the project.
- Laravel Debugbar - Integrates PHP Debug Bar with Laravel.
- Laravel Log Viewer - Small log viewer for laravel.
- Laravel Query Tracer - Find exactly where a specific database query is being called in your Laravel application.
- Nette Tracy for Laravel 5 - A Laravel Package to integrate Nette Tracy Debugger.
- Clockwork - Debugging and profiling your apps with Clockwork Chrome extension.
- Laravel Mail Preview - Preview sent mail in browser or email client.
- Mailthief - MailThief is a fake mailer for Laravel applications (5.0+) that makes it easy to test mail without actually sending any emails.
- Laravel TestTools - Create your Laravel integration tests while you surf on your website.
- Orchestral Testbench - Laravel Testing Helper for Packages Development.