
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This project contains the source code for the JSgraph system described in

Bo Li, Phani Vadrevu, Kyu Hyung Lee, Roberto Perdisci. "JSgraph: Enabling Reconstruction of Web Attacks via Efficient Tracking of Live In-Browser JavaScript Executions". Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, NDSS 2018

Build instructions (Ubuntu):

Note: these instructions assume that everything is downloaded into your home directory. If that is not the case, replace ~ and $HOME with your base path.

  1. Setup Ubuntu 14 (VM recommended)
  2. Update to latest Ubuntu 14 version: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, then reboot
  3. Clone the chromium depot tools: git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
  4. Add the depot_tools to your path: export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/depot_tools”
  5. Pull down the chromium source code: mkdir chromium && cd chromium && fetch --nohooks chromium
  6. Checkout the chromium 48.0.2528.1 source code: cd src && git checkout tags/48.0.2528.1
  7. Change the src/DEPS opus line (123) to ref commit 5dca296833ce4941dceadf956ff0fb6fe59fe4e8 instead of cae696156f1e60006e39821e79a1811ae1933c69 (which does not exist in the 3rd party opus repo)
  8. Get the date this tag was released: COMMIT_DATE=$(git log -n 1 --pretty=format:%ci)
  9. Checkout the depot_tools version that existed at the same date: cd ~/depot_tools && git checkout $(git rev-list -n 1 --before="$COMMIT_DATE" master)
  10. Stop depot_tools from auto-updating: export DEPOT_TOOLS_UPDATE=0
  11. Cleanup any unneeded files from the chromium source: cd ~/chromium/src && git clean -ffd
  12. Install chromium build dependencies: (cd build && ./install-build-deps.sh)
  13. Run hooks: gclient sync -D --force --reset && gclient runhooks
  14. Unzip the jsgraph_release.zip file from this repo: (cd ~/JSGraph && unzip jsgraph_release.zip)
  15. Remove unneeded function calls leftover from the WebCapsule project that can cause compilation errors:
    1. Delete or comment out the line that says InitPlatformInstrumentation() in third_party/WebKit/Source/web/WebKit.cpp
    2. Delete or comment out the lines that say StartPlatformInstRecording() and StopPlatformInst() in third_party/WebKit/Source/core/inspector/InspectorForensicsAgent.cpp
  16. Add 'inspector/forensics/ForensicPageEvent.h' and 'inspector/forensics/ForensicPageEvent.cpp' to the webcore_non_rendering_files array in src/third_party/WebKit/Source/core/core.gypi in order to enable linking of these files
  17. Copy the (updated) patched files over to replace the relevant chromium source files: rsync -a ~/JSgraph/jsgraph_release/src/ ~/chromium/src/
  18. Generate build configs: gn gen out/jsgraph
  19. Disable nacl for the build: Add ‘enable_nacl = false’ in the editor opened by: gn args out/jsgraph
  20. Build the modified chromium: ninja -C out/jsgraph chrome
  21. Setup the suid sandbox for chromium: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git/+/master/docs/linux/suid_sandbox_development.md

Run instructions:

  1. Make sure you're using python version 2.7. A conda virtual environment is a great way to setup a python virtual environment dedicated for this project: https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/
  2. Install the JSgraph_tools dependencies: pip install websocket-client
  3. Open a new terminal or tab and start chromium with a debugging port specified: ~/chromium/out/jsgraph/chrome --remote-debugging-port=54321
  4. In your original terminal or tab, run the devtools_client python script: cd ~/JSgraph/JSgraph_tools && python devtools_client.py http://localhost:54321/json
  5. In the devtools_client tab, type the following commands to get started:
    1. Load a website (e.g., wikipedia.org)
    2. Choose the tab you want to record (e.g., type 0)
    3. Start recording by typing r
    4. Do some browsing (e.g., navigate through different pages on wikipedia.org)
    5. When you are ready to stop recording, type sr
  6. You can view the generated logs in ~/jscapsule_logs

Generating graphs from the logs

  1. Locate the audit log for the browsing session at ~/jscapsule_logs (e.g. ~/jscapsule_logs/5_11_2017__22_40_58_0x1aa01ea29800/log.txt)

  2. Use the script DrawGraphFromLog.py to generate a graph dot file from the desired audit log: python DrawGraphFromLog.py LOG_FILE SHORTEN_URLS > OUTPUT_DOT_FILE

    LOG_FILE: audit log file, e.g. ~/jscapsule_logs/5_11_2017__22_40_58_0x1aa01ea29800/log.txt

    SHORTEN_URLS: Shorten long URLs for better visualization or not. 1: shorten, 0: not shorten.

    OUTPUT_DOT_FILE: the name of output .dot file for the whole audit log.

  3. Use script FilterSubGraph.py to do backward/forward tracking: python FilterSubGraph.py OUTPUT_DOT_FILE NODE_ID_LIST DIRECTION HIGHLIGHT_NODE_ID_LIST> TRACKING_DOT_FILE

    OUTPUT_DOT_FILE: the name of output .dot file for the whole audit log.

    NODE_ID_LIST: one/a list of suspected Node_id/Node_ids from OUTPUT_DOT_FILE that you want to be the pivot points, separated by comma. e.g. Node_31,Node_33

    DIRECTION: A: backward tracking; D: forward tracking; B: both direction.

    HIGHLIGHT_NODE_ID_LIST: one/a list of Node_id/Node_ids from OUTPUT_DOT_FILE that you want to be highlighted.

    TRACKING_DOT_FILE: the name of the output .dot file for only the tracked portions of the audit log.

  4. Once you have the .dot files, you can use Graphviz to generate a visualization: dot -v -T svg DOT_FILE -o OUTPUT_SVG_FILE.

    • If you are using Ubuntu or Debian, you can download graphviz using the command sudo apt-get install graphviz.