
Mini library system

Primary LanguagePHP

Tequita - the littlest library system

The main purposes of this project are to:

  • refresh my programming skills.
  • learn how to use CakePHP.
  • perhaps, build a working library management system.

There may be other small library automation systems around. I really have no idea, but the full-blown systems I have met are monstrous.

This system, if it has any use at all, would be for small libraries such as:

  • community libraries run by volunteers
  • small private libraries or collections

Tequita should be immediately usable to untrained users with no previous experience of library work and no qualifications in librarianship.

Initially, the project should cover:

  • Data entry for stock items including books, serials, computer files, etc.
  • OPAC with the ability to search all relevant fields from the above.
  • Security, to only permit changes to be made by users with the proper credentials
  • Updating and deleting stock records.
  • Exporting data to MARC21 and JSON formats.
  • Aggregating exported records into a single file for OPAC display or for exchange.