
Starter repository for the Turing School Cross-Check project.

Project Collaborators: Peregrine Balas, Zach Leach, Zach Nager

In using NHL statistics we utilized Ruby to design an write a means of organizing data and gathering statistics based off of said data. TDD was used to guide our design outline through implementation, which we continued to develop throughout the course of the porject.

Our statistics fit into four categories as outlined in the project guidelines.

The four categories are those found in iterations 2, 3 and 4 through the provided link above: game statistics, league statistics, season statistics and team statistics. All of these may be accessed through the StatTracker class which processes the statistics, as well as by running the page_generator.rb file located in the root directory. This file will access the PageGenerator class to create an html web page, after which open site/index.html can be run to launch the webpage in our default browser.