
From the fantastic example of "@thatproject"

Primary LanguageC


From the fantastic example of "@thatproject" based on Squareline studio design. This project is not mine, I just follow the example and modify the code. This code is not working as speedometer, it's just visual effect with statics data. If you want to realise the full project, this is the links you should follow: Original links for this projects: youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_4m1A3A2yw github original project: https://github.com/0015/ThatProject/tree/master/ESP32_LVGL/LVGL8_SquareLine/03_Let's_build_a_GPS_Speedometer dataasheet of SC01 plus: https://www.marutsu.co.jp/contents/shop/marutsu/datasheet/khe_WT32-SC01-PLUS.pdf

Unfortunately, I was never able to make it work directly from this repo on my SC01 plus so I've decideed to upload my code. Thank you also to www.moduleplus.com for their help, after a wrong upload, the card was not working (rebooting every seconds). they could help me to find a way out. If you need to buy the SC01 plus or anything else, they have great support.

This repo is based on Platform IO but can probably be uploaded from Arduino IDE with minor modifications.
