
Useful graphics/geometry/file/math/logic modules for openFrameworks

Primary LanguageC++


Collection of various useful modules for openFrameworks which I used in various projects for the last years.

It contains classes and functions for graphics, image analysis and working with files.

  • Modules are relatively independent.
  • Module ofxKuRasterOpenCV requires ofxOpenCv addon (if you don't need it, just not include in your project).
  • Module ofxKuMessageLog requires ofxFontStash addon (if you don't need it...).
  • Module ofxKuOsWindows works only in Windows (if you don't need it...).
  • ofxKuFileTime::isNewerThan function implementation doesn't works in oF >= 0.9.0, so simplest workaround is change it to return always 'true'.

Compression and hash

Random numbers and probability

* ofxKuRandom 
* ofxKuProbability



  • convert matrix to string and back
  • convert vector to vector, vector and back
  • ofSplitString_many - advanced version of ofSplitString, which allows to use many one-char delimiters. For example, this funtion allows to parse effectively "a(b,c)" with delimiters "(,)"


  • ofxKuRectRender class for fast rendering rectangles
  • ofxKuLineRender class for fast rendering lines
  • ofxKuVertexRender class for fast rendering points
  • ofxKuDrawTextureFit(ofTexture &tex, float x, float y, float w, float h) function in ofxKuDrawUtils for fitting texture in rectangle
  • ofxKuDrawRaster draws raster array
  • ofxKuVideoMapping - class for rendering quads using geometry transformation

Geometry, meshes and point clouds

  1. ofxKuGeom - geometrical utils

    • Structure ofxKuGeomLine2D for working with line in 2D:

      • compute line equation,
      • compute signed distance from a line,
      • project point on line,
      • mirror point of line,
      • cross two line segmants.
    • Point clouds:

      • minimal distance between two point sets
    • Polygons:

      • signed triangle area
      • compute if point is inside polygon
    • Sphere:

      • convert points from unit square to unit sphere and back
      • create circle on a unit sphere
  2. ofxKuGeomMeshUtils - utilities for mesh

    • loading OBJ files
    • computing normals
    • make wireframed mesh from triangle mesh
    • shuffle verties and triangles
  3. Point clouds:

    • ofxKuPcManipulate - move, rotate and crop point clouds
    • ofxKuPcRasterize - rasterize and get blobs from point clouds
    • also see ofxKuGeom for point sets operations


  • ofxKuGraphicsTexture3D - class implementing 3D GPU texture for programmable rendering pipeline

Image processing

  • ofxKuRaster.h - include it for accessing all image processing functions
  • ofxKuRasterArithmetics - add, subtract, multiply, divide, threshold, find mask for range values, count number of pixels in range, project on axes, histogram for raster arrays
  • ofxKuRasterBlur_int, ofxKuRasterBlur_float - box blur for raster arrays
  • ofxKuRasterInterpolate - interpolation of raster arrays, including ofPoint rasters
  • ofxKuRasterMorphology - dilatation and erosion, contour detection
  • ofxKuRasterResize_nearest - resize raster arrays
  • ofxKuFloodFill function which do flood fill in array, removing small blobs
  • ofxKuRasterOpenCV - gaussian smoothing, convex hull, implemented using OpenCV. Requires ofxOpenCv addon.


  • ofxKuMathStat - computes mean and median index of histogram value and argmax


  • ofxKuValueCheckChange - checks if value was changed
  • ofxKuSlowBit - bit, which controllable changes it state in time


  • ofxKuPreset - presets maintaining system, including smooth transition, also can be linked with ofxKuTextGui GUI system.

File and system utilities

  • ofxKuRecorderBinary class for recording/replaying data buffers, such as depth camera point clouds
  • ofxKuRecorderStrings class for storing string data in frames in a text file
  • ofxKuFile - write and read text files as vector of strings
  • ofxKuFileTime::isNewerThan(string fileName1, string fileName2) function which compares file creation times
  • ofxIniSettings - addon for working with INI-files, by Rick Companje
  • ofxArgs - addon for working with command line arguments, by Pat Long


Windows-related stuff is moved into separate addon "ofxWindows"


  • ofxKuMessageLog - class for output logs on the screen. Note: requires ofxFontStash addon for drawing text on the screen.