
Laravel 7 + AdminLte Built backend

Primary LanguageHTML

About laravel-adminlte

laravel-adminlte is a background template built by the lightweight front-end framework adminLte and laravel framework. It is not as large and complex as the laravel-admin background. I also like adminlte's style design, and it feels much better than layuiAdmin. -laravel. -adminLte.

Main function introduction

1.laravel comes with auth login function;

2. Use iframe architecture;

3. Realize the RBAC permission function of administrators, roles, menus, and permissions;

4. Supporting menu management, administrator management, role management, authority management;

5. The jquery plugins such as icheck, datepicker, select2, datatable, etc. are called and compiled through Mix.

Project access

Username: youke

Password: youke

Project screenshot

image image


1. After cloning the code, composer is installed

composer install

2. Create key and create .env for related configuration

php artisan key:generate

3. Database migration

php artisan migrate

4. Add necessary data

php artisan db:seeder

admin is a super user with all menus and permissions.

// test