Lab: Lambda with API Gateway

Overview In this lab, we will begin the task of migrating our application from a “monolithic” Java application into a truly cloud based application, with distributed functions, services, and events.

Feature Tasks

  • Migrate the functionality of your Create, Update, and Delete methods in your original Taskmaster Java application to their matching Lambda functions.
  • You may use any language to create these functions!
  • These endpoints should work ONLY with JSON data or URL Params
  • Taskmaster functionality must remain the same
  • With the exception of History (do not implement)
  • Refactor your react application to send a JSON object to the server instead of raw form data








Works Cited

AWS Tutorial
How to Give your uploads public access
Create, Read, Update, and Delete an Item
UpdateItem Method
Lambda Proxy Integration
How to implement in JAVA(Request)
How to implement in JAVA(Response)

Collaborative Efforts

Trevor Dobson