
CapStone Project for the Udacity DevOps Nanodegree

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Transaction's Management App


This is my capstone project for the Udacity DevOps Nanodegree Program. Checkout the infra directory for more DevOps related details.

The Transaction Management Portal is a simple application for logging and viewing income and expense transactions for a business.

Project Structure

The project's frontend is build with (React)[https://reactjs.org] and backend API is a GraphQL API built with Node.js.

The project has infrastructure code to make it easy to deploy to AWS infrastructure (see the infra folder).

Setup Environment

Generally, you would need Node.js (>= 12.x.x) installed on your computer to test and run any part of the application

Frontend Setup

The frontend is a simple react application.

Change directory to the frontend/ folder to access the frontend application code.

To run the application in dev mode, run:

npm install
npm run start

Depending on where the API Server is setup, you might need to set the REACT_APP_API_URL environment to the appropriate value.

Backend Setup

Setup Database

The backend requires a PostgreSql database to run properly. For development you start a docker one using docker-compose file provided by running docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yml up.

Next, set environment variable DB_URL as the Postgres URL. The application would lookup this value

Checkout the .env.sample for other environment variables that need to be set.

Next, run database migrations using npm run knex migrate:latest -- --env development. Change the env to production for production configurations (see knexfile.js for each environment configuration)

Run the application (natively)

To start the application for development, run:

npm run start

For production build, run the following command:

npm run build
npm run serve

By default, the application GraphQL server starts listening on port 9797 but this can be changed via the APP environment variable.

Run the application (Docker) A Dockerfile is included, which wraps the backend application, builds and run the service. You can also run the docker-compose.yml file to quickly build and run the Dockerfile.

Possible Improvements

  • Customer Management
  • Order Management
  • User and Permission Management
  • Caching and other API Optimization