Perfecto's DevWeek HARckathon

Welcome to today's challenge! Are you ready to win $2,000? Awesome. Let's begin.

Today's challenge

Your challenge today is to build a reusable, standalone tool that accepts one or more HAR files and provides an analysis on inefficiencies, performance issues, non-relevant data, potential security risks, and analysis other insights you think will be helpful to others.

You can write in any language, framework, or platform you chose provided that the tools you used are either open source or free. That way others can benefit from your work too.

AND DON'T FORGET TO REGISTER in with the DevWeek portal

What is HAR?

The HTTP Archive (HAR) format is a JSON document containing a set of network requests.

For mobile apps, network efficiency is critical for stable, fast user experiences. Large transactions, location and analytics data, and other 3rd party API calls can quickly make the app suck.

Who's hosting this awesome challenge?

Perfecto helps developers ship better apps faster by infusing fast and complete feedback loops into your delivery pipelines. If you've ever thought "just let me code", that's what we're here to help you with. For more info, visit our site.

Getting Started

In this repo, there are a number of existing sample HAR file captures which you can use to test your creation. We have purposely added these because they contain a few characterizing patterns, but also because we want everyone to have equal opportunity to get right to solving the problem.

Which brings us to how to use HAR files...there are already lots of tools around the HAR format.

We don't want you to reinvent the wheel. We want you to create something new, something that hasn't been thought up yet. So another HAR parser or validator won't make the cut.

The first thing you'll probably need is a HAR parser in your preferred programming language. For instance:

A few ideas

A few ideas for example:

If you get stuck or need help...

Find the Perfecto table and look for some really friendly people. That's us.

If you can't find us, contact @paulsbruce

We can help to:

  • clarify the challenge
  • act as a sounding board for your ideas

What we can't help you with:

  • coding. that's your job. :)
  • coming up with the idea you'll use

Good luck and be sure to pick up some schwag for participating!