
Some of the projects created in R


These are some of the procjects that I made some years ago in R. These projects bring back fun memories

Lund University and the data of published theses
The fantastic and fun Lund University was where I studied my master in finance and also statistics. In this project I collected the data from this website which have every theses made by students. I analyzed topics such as how many papers are published each year, how many authors are there, which faculty produces the most papers etc. The plots and project is not refined, I was going to go back and make it better but it never happend.

Trends and Analysis of Suicide from WHO
Here I analyzed public data on suicides taken from WHO. It was one intresting topic which is always relevant. Learned a lot about making plots.

Analyzing the Rise and Trends of Japanese Anime
By using public data from Kaggle I analyzed data concerning users that watch anime, which is japanese cartoons.

Who Plays and Makes Levels in the Nintendo Game Mario Maker?
I grow up playing Nintendo games so of course I had to analyze data for the game Mario Maker, which lets the players create their own levels! This was a very fun excercise with data wrangling

Classifying bank customers with Log, Net and Tree
This was a short project made in Lund University, my task was to try different approaches to classify customers that would default loans. The data is public and was taken from Kaggle.