LabbyBundle is Symfony2 bundle for retrieving database and assets from one stage to another.
Warning Bundle is in early stage of development.
- SSH connection to the remote server.
Add LabbyBundle by running this command
$ composer.phar require velikonja/labby-bundle "dev-master"
Enable the bundle in AppKernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Velikonja\LabbyBundle\VelikonjaLabbyBundle(),
Configure the bundle
password_reset: ~
# By default it changes admin's password to admin.
# password_reset:
# users: [ {username: admin, password: admin}, {username: admin2, password: admin2} ]
# roles: [ remote, local ]
hostname: # Server where the remote is hosted.
path: /var/www/app # Path to application on remote.
# env: prod # SF env to be run on remote
uploads: # you can define more different mappings
src: # Mind the trailing slash
dst: web/uploads/
after: [ 'fos:elastica:populate' ] # you can specify as many commands as you want
Use the command to sync
Warning: before you can first sync with remote, you have to deploy the code and configuration to remote.
Sync assets and database:
$ app/console labby:sync
Sync only DB:
$ app/console labby:sync:db
Sync only assets:
$ app/console labby:sync:fs
Install dependencies
$ composer.phar install
Run tests
$ bin/phpunit
$ bin/phpmd . text cleancode, codesize, controversial, design, naming, unusedcode --exclude vendor/
$ bin/phpcpd . --exclude=vendor