
Source code for http://opentracing.io

Primary LanguageCSS

This repository contains the source code for http://opentracing.github.io website, generated with Jekyll.

Making changes

Create a branch, test the change locally, then create a pull request.

Testing localling with Jekyll

See https://help.github.com/articles/using-jekyll-with-pages/

or, as a crash course:

  • make sure Ruby version 2.0.0 or greater is installed
  • install Bundler: sudo gem install bundler
  • clone the repository and cd to it
  • install github-pages: sudo bundle install
  • run the webserver: bundle exec jekyll serve
  • check results: open http://localhost:4000


  • Jekyll will regenerate the site as you update the files, unless you edit _config.yml, which requires a restart of jekyll serve