
ASCII generator (image to text, image to image, video to video)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

[PYTHON] ASCII generator


Here is my python source code for ASCII generator. With my code:

  • Given input image, we could generate ASCII art stored under text format in different languages (.txt)
  • Given input image, we could generate ASCII art stored under image formats in different languages (.png, .jpg, ...). In each format, there are 2 options: Black background and white characters, or vice versa
  • Given input video, we could generate ASCII art stored under video formats in different languages (.avi, .mp4, ...)
  • Video/image outputs could be in grayscale or color format. It is totally up to you

Multiple Language Conversion

We could generate ASCII art with different alphabets (english, german, french, korean, chinese, japanese, ...). Below are example output:


Japanese (Dragon Ball)


Korean (Dae Jang-geum)


Chinese (Actress)



Video to video

By running the sript video2video_color.py or video2video.py with different values for background and mode, we will have different outputs, for example:

Colored complex-character ASCII output

White-background simple-character ASCII output

Image to text

By running the sript img2txt.py with different values for mode, we will have following outputs:

Input image

Simple character ASCII output

Complex character ASCII output

Image to image

By running the sript img2img_color.py or img2img.py with different values for background and mode, we will have following outputs:

Input image

Colored complex-character ASCII output

White-background simple-character ASCII output

Black-background simple-character ASCII output

White-background complex-character ASCII output

Black-background complex-character ASCII output


  • python 3.6
  • cv2
  • PIL
  • numpy