
Emacs config

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Emacs Configuration

My emacs configuration that supports c/c++, rust, clojure, javascript, typescript, java, kotlin, python, markdown, json, xml and many more.

This Emacs configuration will give you full editor experience using the latest and best packages available with a C++ focus using LSP, Company, RTags and Treesit. You can configure as you require.

This configuration is purposely not too heavy and provides a good mix of features and reduced bloat. If you have too many features you will not be able to learn them all and its just noise and performance reduction.

Thank Yous

This emacs configuration was taken from exordium all credit there and then adapted over time to meet my needs.

What I found was that configuration was too heavy and performance of Emacs is key along with keeping the features and packages used up to date. This setup works well with Emacs 29.1.


If you swing by and find this configuration useful please give us a start or a watch! To know the effort is being appreciated.

To use here is an example but please fork as you want.

cd ~
git clone git@github.com:perkss/.emacs.d.git

Prerequisite installations

You will require the following

  • rg
  • ag (the_silver_searcher)
  • hunspell
  • LSP servers
  • Treesit Grammers

For example on Mac


brew install the_silver_searcher

brew install rg

brew install ispell

Setup Hunspell


Rust Setup


rustup update

cargo update

cargo xtask install --server


This will provide a description of the package available and the reasoning for using it.