
Web app built with Go/Golang and Buffalo, deployed on Heroku, using Heroku Postgres

Primary LanguageGo



Recommended Tools

On Windows, Buffalo with SQLite Requires TDM-GCC

Then, open PowerShell as admin and install the rest.

choco install golang -y
choco install buffalo -y
choco install vscode -y
choco install heroku-cli -y
choco list --local
go version
go get -u -v -tags sqlite github.com/gobuffalo/cli/cmd/buffalo@latest

Initial Generation Using buffalo new

buffalo new hundred-go-buffalo

CD and Open in Code for Editing

cd hundred-go-buffalo
code .
  • Add .gitignore. Ignore node_modules and files with secrets.
  • Edit first line of go.mod to use github.com/username, e.g.: module github.com/denisecase/hundred-go-buffalo
  • Add Procfile.

GitHub: Create Your Repo in the Cloud

In GitHub, create the repo to match. Create without adding any files.

Heroku: Set up Deployment

heroku login

Create a Herokup app.

Add database. On the Heroku app dashboard, go to Resources / Add-ons / Heroku Postgres / Hobby Dev - Free.

Get all in one DATABASE_URL. On the Heroku app dashboard, go to Settings / Config vars / reveal to see DATABASE_URL.

Get DB vars. On the Heroku app dashboard, go to Resources / Heroku Postgres / Settings / Database Credentials / View Credentials. Add these to your database.yml.

Configure autodeployment. On the Heroku app dashboard, go to Deploy / Set Deployment Method to GitHub / Set Connect to GitHub to username / repo (e.g., denisecase/) / Enable Automatic Deploys.

Monitor deployment. After deploying / on the app dashboard, go to Overview / click View Build Progress.

  • If successful, click "View App".
  • If unsuccessful, click "More" / "View Logs".

Database Setup

Copy database.yml-example to database.yml. Edit database.yml to use the correct usernames, passwords, hosts, etc... for your environment. I typically use only the central Heroku datastore, not a local one.

Ensure that you start/install the database of your choice. Buffalo won't install and start it for you.

Add Plugins

Add database pop plugin and auth plugin.

buffalo plugins install github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo-pop@latest
buffalo plugins install github.com/gobuffalo/buffalo-auth@latest

Create Database

Ok, so you've edited the "database.yml" file and started your database, now Buffalo can create the databases in that file for you:

buffalo pop create -a

Generate Basic username / pwd Auth

Read buffalo-auth

buffalo generate auth

Initial Commit

Open Powershell as Adminstrator in your repo folder on your local machine.

git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/denisecase/hundred-go-buffalo.git
git branch -M main
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push -u origin main

Starting the Application

Buffalo ships with a command that will watch your application and automatically rebuild the Go binary and any assets for you. To do that run the "buffalo dev" command:

$ buffalo dev

If you point your browser to you should see a "Welcome to Buffalo!" page.

Congratulations! You now have your Buffalo application up and running.

Generate MVC for Things

buffalo g resource thing name body:text

View Routes

buffalo task routes

Heroku CLI

heroku config -a hundred-go-buffalo
heroku open -a hundred-go-buffalo
heroku logs --tail -a hundred-go-buffalo

Go Best Practices

go mod tidy
go mod vendor

What Next?

We recommend you heading over to http://gobuffalo.io and reviewing all of the great documentation there.

Good luck!

Powered by Buffalo