
Multi Account Command

Primary LanguageGo


Multi Account Command - runs any command in the context of the AWS Named Profile(s) specified.

You want to quickly interact with one or many AWS accounts without the complications of swapping access keys, environment variables, or aws-vault in a for-loop. mac can help.

How is this different from awscli's --profile option

  • awscli's --profile allows passing a single profile at a time.
  • awscli's --profile only processes aws commands.
  • mac will loop through all the profiles you specify. e.g.: mac -p 'prod,dev' 'aws s3 ls'
  • mac will run any binary; aws, script. e.g.: mac -p 'prod,dev' 'python.exe .\s3_public_acls_finder.py'

How it works

Each account you manage has a mac-service role that can be assumed via sts. IAM users join the mac-admins group, and inherit permissions to assume roles as defined in the mac-assumerole policy. When a new admin comes on board, you create them an IAM user with access keys, then add them to the mac-admins group. When a new managed account is created, you run the cloud formation template to install the service role. Also, update the stack on the IAM Account with the new Managed Account number. The admin prefixes any normal command, with the profile(s) of interest. The command will spawn parallel shells for each profile with the custom environment context, run the command, and return the results.

Account Type Definitions

The following Account types will be mentioned, here are the definitions.

  • IAM Account: This account is where all your IAM users exist. It's typicaly used in your central or security account.
  • Managed Account: This account is any account, including central/security that you want to be managed by the IAM Account users.


Example 1: See all buckets in multiple accounts.

$ mac -p 'bryanlabs,bryanlabsdev' 'aws s3 ls'
Profile: bryanlabsdev
2018-08-15 21:36:32 cf-templates-aviic4ggd7jk-us-east-1
Profile: bryanlabs
2017-12-16 17:34:50 bryanlabs

Example 2: Wildcards.

$ mac -p 'bryan*' 'aws s3 ls'
Profile: bryanlabsdev
2018-08-15 21:36:32 cf-templates-aviic4ggd7jk-us-east-1
Profile: bryanlabs
2017-12-16 17:34:50 bryanlabs

Example 3: Find Public Buckets.

$ mac -p 'bryanlabs' 'python.exe .\s3_public_acls_finder.py'
Profile: bryanlabs
('The following permission: *Read - Public Access: List Objects* has been granted on the bucket *bryanlabs-public*', True)

Example 4: Run Script to find all InstanceIDs.
NOTE: redirection and pipes don't work yet, so sometimes a script is needed.

$ cat <<EOF > getEC2InstanceIDs.sh
aws ec2 describe-instances | jq -r .[][].Instances[] | jq -r .InstanceId
mac -p 'bryanlabs' './getEC2InstanceIDs.sh'


NOTE: My knowledge of cloudformation only allows adding one user, with permission to assume role into one account. Others can be adding by manually modifying the resources, or submitting a Merge-Request with the necessary cloudformation changes.

Managed Accounts: Deploy the ManagedAccount.template in any accounts that you wish to admin including the IAM Account.

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name managed-mac-stack --template-body file://ManagedAccount.template --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameters ParameterKey=IAMAccount,ParameterValue=601953533983 ParameterKey=Prefix,ParameterValue=mac

IAM Account: Deploy the IAMAccount.template in the Account where your IAM users are defined. Typically your central or security account.

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name iam-mac-stack --template-body file://IAMAccount.template --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameters ParameterKey=IAMUser,ParameterValue=DanBryan ParameterKey=ManagedAccount,ParameterValue=331668981413 ParameterKey=Prefix,ParameterValue=mac

Administrator environment setup

Build or Download the App


go get -u github.com/bryanlabs/mac


Configure Credentials: (.aws/credentials)


Configure Named Profiles (.aws/config)


[profile bryanlabs]

[profile bryanlabsdev]


mac -a 'bryanlabs,bryanlabsdev' 'aws sts get-caller-identity'

dan@devbox:mac$ ./mac -a 'bryanlabs,bryanlabsdev' 'aws sts get-caller-identity'
Profile: bryanlabs
    "Account": "bryanlabs",
    "UserId": "AROAJP7QAQIUQT6XY72VG:botocore-session-1534452856",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::601953533983:assumed-role/mac-service/botocore-session-1534452856"
Profile: bryanlabsdev
    "UserId": "AROAIWNRU4MMXGREHEURS:botocore-session-1534452839",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::331668981413:assumed-role/mac-service/botocore-session-1534452839",
    "Account": "bryanlabsdev"