
Select interpreter versions in tmux panes automatically

Primary LanguageShell

Select several interpreter versions in tmux panes automatically.

  • perlbrew
  • plenv
  • rbenv
  • pyenv


$tool shell v1 v2 ...

Opens tiled panes and selects the specified versions. Activates synchronize-panes.

$tool run '$x = 23' v1 v2 ...

Does what shell does and runs the specified command in your interpreter.

$tool exec 'perl myapp.pl' v1 v2 ...

Does what shell does and runs the specified command.


% git clone https://github.com/perlpunk/tmux-version-switcher.git
# or
% git hub clone perlpunk/tmux-version-switcher
# put this in your .bashrc/.zshrc:
% source /path/to/tmux-version-switcher/init


% tmux-perlbrew-switcher shell perl-5.22.0 perl-5.24.0
# tmux opens with two tiled panes, with the specified versions

% tmux-perlbrew-switcher run '$x = 23' perl-5.22.0 perl-5.24.0
# tmux opens with two tiled panes and runs `perl -wE'$x = 23'`

% tmux-perlbrew-switcher exec 'perl myapp.pl' perl-5.22.0 perl-5.24.0
# tmux opens with two tiled panes and runs `perl myapp.pl`

Shell Tab Completion

There is tab completion available for bash and zsh. Sourcing the init script should set it all up for you. The files are in the share/bash and share/zsh folders.

Note for zsh users: Sourcing the init script should happen before the compinit call.

Then you will be able to do:

% $tool <TAB> # shell, run, exec
% $tool shell <TAB> # list versions


  • bash
  • tmux
  • perlbrew, plenv, ...
  • sed (used in completion)