YAML Playground Website Generation

This directory is responsible for publishing the content of this (yaml-play) repository to https://play.yaml.io/.

Build System

Building, testing and publishing the website content is controlled by the Makefile. The Makefile supports:

  • make publish SITEDIR=...

    Build and publish the content to https://play.yaml.io/BRANCH.

  • make serve

    Build and serve locally to

  • make build

    Build the site content into a finalized ./play.yaml.io/ directory.

  • make site

    Gather the site content into the ./build/ Jekyll source directory.

  • make shell

    Open a shell in the github-pages Docker container that builds the website content.

  • make force ...

    The force rule will make sure everthing is rebuilt from scratch.

  • make clean

    Remove generated files.

Prerequisite Software

The build system uses various open source software.


At a minimum you'll need:

  • make

    Of course.

  • bash

    Required to be installed on your system. Not required to be the interactive shell you are using.

  • docker

    Everything else is encapsulated in Docker images. If you have the required components installed locally they will be used, otherwise docker will be invoked. Docker is required for some complicated steps.

Build Process

This system is made out of Markdown, YAML, SCSS and images. It is currently using Jekyll to build the final result.

It gathers all the content in various directories throughout the repository and puts them into the ./build/ directory in a standard Jekyll layout.

The intent is to not tie things too close to Jekyll or any other build system.

The Jekyll build system is captured in the github-pages Docker image. It is the same build process that GitHub Pages uses when you push Jekyll content to it. It builds the final HTML/CSS/JavaScript into the ./play.yaml.io/ directory, which is a worktree of the gh-pages branch. When make publish pushes the gh-pages branch the content is served as https://play.yaml.io/. No further Jekyll processing happens on the GitHub side after pushing.