
An ORM for SQLite

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An ORM for SQLite and NodeJS. Flyweight is different from other ORMs in that it combines a very simple API for performing basic operations, with the ability to create SQL queries that are typed and automatically mapped to complex object types.

The following examples are based on a hypothetical UFC database with the following structure:

A UFC event has a name, a location, and a start time. Each event has one or more cards (the main card, the preliminary cards). Each card has many fights. Each fight has a red corner and a blue corner, representing the two fighters.

The events table looks like this:

create table events (
    id integer primary key,
    name text not null,
    startTime date not null,
    locationId integer references locations

Tables are created with SQL, not with a custom API. Even though SQLite only has a few types built in, Flyweight allows you to create your own types, which are converted to and from the database. In this example, the startTime column is using the new date type.

Flyweight parses your sql statements and tables, and creates an API that is typed with TypeScript. Each table has a singular and plural form. If you want to get one row with the basic API, you can use:

const event = await db.event.get({ id: 100 });

If you want to get many rows, you can use:

const names = await db.events.get({ id: eventIds }, 'name');

If you want to insert a row, you can do:

const id = await db.coach.insert({
  name: 'Eugene Bareman',
  city: 'Auckland'

The basic API does not allow you to perform joins, aggregate functions, or anything else. When you need these features, you simply create a SQL file in a folder with the name of one of the tables. This will then be parsed and typed by Flyweight, and available as part of the API.

By using conventions, Flyweight is able to automatically map SQL statements into nested objects without any extra code. For example, the following SQL statement:

    e.name as eventName,
    c.id as cardId,
    f.id as fightId,
    bf.name as blueName,
    bf.social as blueSocial,
    rf.name as redName,
    rf.social as redSocial
    events e join
    cards c on c.eventId = e.id join
    fights f on f.cardId = c.id join
    fighters bf on f.blueId = bf.id join
    fighters rf on f.redId = rf.id
where e.id = $id

is contained in a file called getById.sql in the events folder. It can be called from the API like this:

const event = await db.event.getById({ id: 100 });

This returns an object that looks like this:

  id: 100,
  name: 'UFC 78: Validation',
  cards: [
    { id: 247, cardName: 'Main card', fights: [Array] },
    { id: 248, cardName: 'Preliminary card', fights: [Array] }

With each fight in the fights array looking like this:

  id: 805,
  blue: {
    id: 708,
    name: 'Rashad Evans',
    social: { instagram: 'sugarashadevans', twitter: 'SugaRashadEvans' }
  red: {
    id: 236,
    name: 'Michael Bisping',
    social: { instagram: 'mikebisping', twitter: 'bisping' }

How it works

Now let's look at how Flyweight does this without you having to specify any mapping code. It all comes down to the select statement:

  e.id,                     // primary key
  e.name as eventName,
  c.id as cardId,           // primary key
  f.id as fightId,          // primary key
  f.blueId,                 // foreign key
  bf.name as blueName,
  bf.social as blueSocial,
  f.redId,                  // foreign key
  rf.name as redName,
  rf.social as redSocial

Every time you want to create an array within an object (such as the cards array in the main object), you include a primary key. Every column including and after the primary key forms the keys of the objects inside the array. Flyweight takes the name of the column (eg cardId), removes the Id part, and then converts the name into its plural form to create the name of the array (eg cards).

If you didn't want to create a cards array but wanted to include the cardId, you would just select f.cardId, which is a foreign key on the fights table rather than a primary key.

If you wanted to create a nested object inside an object (such as the red and blue in this example), you select a foreign key (such as blueId) and then give any other columns after blueId the same prefix (blue), and they will be included in the object with the prefix removed.

The social property is an object because in the fighters table, it is defined with the type json, which is automatically parsed into an object.

In the example above, eventName is turned into name. This is because the ORM tries to return the column name to the original name if the original name is shorter than the alias and the alias was only created to avoid a clash of names that no longer exists after the mapping has occurred.

Getting started

npm install flyweightjs

For JavaScript, create a file called db.js with the following code:

import Database from 'flyweightjs';

const database = new Database();

const result = await database.initialize({
  db: '/path/test.db',
  sql: '/path/sql',
  tables: '/path/tables.sql',
  views: '/path/views',
  types: '/path/db.d.ts',
  migrations: '/path/migrations',
  extensions: '/path/regexp.dylib'

const {
} = result;

export {

After you have done this:

  1. create the initial.sql and add some tables.
  2. create a new JavaScript file and import the makeTypes function, and then run it without any arguments as:
await makeTypes();

or as

await makeTypes({ watch: true });

if you want it to stay open and run every time a SQL file is changed. This should create a db.d.ts file that will type the exported db variable.

For TypeScript, create a file with the following code:

import Database from 'flyweightjs';
import { TypedDb } from './types.ts';

const database = new Database();

const result = await database.initialize<TypedDb>({
  db: '/path/test.db',
  sql: '/path/sql',
  tables: '/path/tables.sql',
  views: '/path/views',
  types: '/path/types.ts',
  migrations: '/path/migrations',
  extensions: '/path/regexp.dylib'

const {
} = result;

export {

When you first run this code, remove all of the references to TypedDb because it does not exist yet. Import makeTypes into another file and run to generate the types.ts file and then put the TypedDb references back. Before you do that though, you need to add some create table statements to the file specified in the tables argument so that there are some types to generate.

The initialize method's path object has the following properties:

db: The path to the database.

sql: A path to a folder for storing SQL files.

tables: A path to a SQL file or folder of files containing the create table and create index statements that define your database schema.

views: A path to a SQL file or folder of files containing any create view statements that you have. This is optional.

types: If you are using JavaScript, this should be a path to a file that is in the same location as db.js. If you are using TypeScript, this can be any path. This file should not exist yet. It will be created by the makeTypes function.

extensions: A string or array of strings of SQLite extensions that will be loaded each time a connection is made to the database.

migrations: A path to the migrations folder. When you run createMigration, the SQL files will be created in this folder.

initialize also takes an optional second argument, interfaceName, which is a string that can be used instead of TypedDb. This is useful if you have more than one database.

Compiling extensions

Flyweight supports regular expressions in some of its methods if you have loaded a regular expression extension. The SQLite website contains instructions for compiling extensions. It is missing some steps though. To compile the regexp.c extension included in the SQLite source code, you should do the following:

  1. Download regexp.c from the SQLite repository
  2. Download the SQLite amalgamation file from the SQLite website and unzip it into a folder
  3. Put the regexp.c file into this folder and then run the commands mentioned at https://www.sqlite.org/loadext.html under the heading "Compiling a Loadable Extension" depending on your operating system

Creating tables

Tables are created the same way as they are in SQL. Flyweight converts the custom types in these tables to native types, and converts the tables to strict mode. The native types available in strict mode are integer, real, text, blob, and any. In addition to these types, four custom types are included by default: boolean, date, json, and regexp. boolean is a column in which the values are restricted to 1 or 0, date is a JavaScript Date stored as an ISO8601 string, json is json stored as text, and regexp is mostly just used for querying.

To add your own types, you can use the registerTypes method on the database object mentioned earlier. registerTypes takes an array of CustomType objects that have the following properties:

name: the name of the type to be used in create table statements.

valueTest: a function that takes a value and returns true or false as to whether they value's type is that of the custom type.

makeConstraint: a function that takes a column name as an argument, and returns a SQL constraint string.

dbToJs: a function that takes a value from the database and returns the JavaScript equivalent of that value. The null case does not need to be handled as it is passed through unchanged.

jsToDb: a function that takes a JavaScript value and returns a value suitable for storing in the database. The null case does not need to be handled as it is passed through unchanged.

tsType: the TypeScript type that represents this custom type.

dbType: the native database type that will be used to store values of this type.

For example, the custom type for boolean is as follows:

  name: 'boolean',
  valueTest: (v) => typeof v === 'boolean',
  makeConstraint: (column) => `check (${column} in (0, 1))`,
  dbToJs: (v) => Boolean(v),
  jsToDb: (v) => v === true ? 1 : 0,
  tsType: 'boolean',
  dbType: 'integer'

valueTest and jsToDb are only necessary if a conversion is required from a JavaScript type to a native database type. dbToJs is only required if a conversion is necessary when taking data out of the database. If no conversion is necessary either way, your custom type will look something like this:

  name: 'medal',
  makeConstraint: (column) => `check (${column} in ('gold', 'silver', 'bronze'))`,
  tsType: 'string',
  dbType: 'text'

Once you have created your tables, you can run the getTables function mentioned earlier with no arguments to convert the tables into a form that can be run by the database to create the tables. getTables returns a string of SQL.

Creating SQL queries

In the SQL folder you supplied to the initialize method, you should create folders with the same name as your table names, and then put SQL files in the folders that correspond to the name of the method you want to call to run them. For example, if you wanted a query that was called like this:

const event = await db.event.getById({ id: 100 });

you would create an events folder and put a file in it called getById.sql.

When creating SQL queries, make sure you give an alias to any columns in the select statement that don't have a name. For exampe, do not do:

select max(startTime) from events;

as there is no name given to max(startTime).


Flyweight parses all of your SQL files and generates an API using TypeScript. In the "Getting started" section, you export a variable named db. This is the API, and its properties include both the singular and plural form of every table in your database, as well as begin, commit, and rollback methods for transactions. Here is an example of a transaction:

import { db } from './db.js';

try {
  await db.begin();

  const coachId = await db.coach.insert({
    name: 'Eugene Bareman',
    city: 'Auckland'
  const fighterId = await db.fighter.get({ name: /Israel/ }, 'id');
  await db.fighterCoach.insert({
  await db.commit();
catch (e) {
  await db.rollback();

Every table has get, update, insert, and remove methods available to it, along with any of the custom methods that are created when you add a new SQL file to the corresponding table's folder. Views only have the get method available to them.


insert simply takes one argument - params, with the keys and values corresponding to the column names and values you want to insert. It returns the primary key, or part of the primary key if the table has a composite primary key. The plural version of insert is for batch inserts and takes an array of params. It doesn't return anything.


update takes two arguments - the query (or null), and the params you want to update. It returns a number representing the number of rows that were affected by the query. For example:

await db.coach.update({ id: 100 }, { city: 'Brisbane' });

which corresponds to

update coaches set city = 'Brisbane' where id = 100;


get takes two optional arguments. The first is params - an object representing the where clause. For example:

const fights = await db.fights.get({ cardId: 9, titleFight: true });

translates to

select * from fights where cardId = 9 and titleFight = 1;

The keys to params must be the column names of the table. The values can either be of the same type as the column, an array of values that are the same type as the column, null, or a regular expression if the column is text. If an array is passed in, an in clause is used, such as:

const fights = await db.fights.get({ cardId: [1, 2, 3] });

which translates to

select * from fights where cardId in (1, 2, 3);

If null is passed in as the value, the SQL will use is null. If a regular expression is passed in, the SQL will use regexp.

All of the arguments are passed in as parameters for security reasons.

The second argument to get can be one of three possible values:

  1. a string representing a column to select. In this case, the result returned is a single value or array of single values, depending on whether a plural or singular table name is used in the query.
  2. an array of strings, representing the columns to select.
  3. An object with one or more of the following properties:

select or exclude: select can be a string or array representing the columns to select. exclude can be an array of columns to exclude, with all of the other columns being selected.

orderBy: a string representing the column to order the result by, or an array of columns to order the result by.

desc: set to true when using orderBy if you want the results in descending order.

limit and offset: corresponding to the SQL keywords with the same name.

distinct: adds the distinct keywords to the start of the select clause.

For example:

const fighters = await db.fighters.get({ isActive: true }, {
  select: ['name', 'hometown'],
  orderBy: 'reachCm',
  limit: 10


remove takes one argument representing the where clause and returns the number of rows affected by the query.

const changes = await db.fighters.remove({ id: 100 });


The initialize method mentioned earlier returns two functions related to performing migrations: createMigration and runMigration. They both take one argument: name. When createMigration is run, it will create a file in the migrations directory with the format name.sql. You can import the createMigration function into a new file like this:

import { createMigration } from './db.js';

await createMigration(process.argv[2]);

and run it from the command line like this:

node migrate.js <migrationName>

replacing migrationName with the name you want to call your migration.

The SQL created by the migration may need adjusting, so make sure you check the file before you apply it to the database. If you want to add a new column to a table without needing to drop the table, make sure you put the column at the end of the list of columns.

runMigration can be used the same way. It reads the migration file created by createMigration, turns off foreign keys, begins a transaction, runs the migration, and then turns foreign keys back on.