
Integration between Up API and Google Sheets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This is a proof-of-concept integration between Google Sheets and the Up Banking API.

It can be deployed as an AppsScript app and listens for webhooks from the Up API.

It responds to TRANSACTION_CREATED events, and will also log out PING events.

Set Up

Get an Up API Token

Visit the Up Developer Docs to get your token.

Create New Project

Using Clasp

I recommend using clasp if you plan to modify this code. You can work in a local, version-controlled environment.

Install and setup clasp.

Make sure you follow the steps to set it up properly and log in.

From the root directory of this repo:

clasp create --type sheets --title "Up Sheets"

Push the files to your project:

clasp push

Go to the Google Drive of the account you logged into clasp with, and you should see a spreadsheet called "Up Sheets".

Open the spreadsheet, and then open the script editor: Tools > Script Editor

Using the GUI

Go to Google Drive and create a new Sheet called "Up Sheets".

Open the script editor: Tools > Script Editor

Create each file in this repo and copy over the code. If this seems tedious, try using clasp (above).

Run Setup Script

NOTE: This will only work on a new/empty spreadsheet. Don't run it on an existing spreadsheet - it may overwrite data.

In the script editor, open setup.gs and run the initialSetup function.

Check that you now have sheets named "Up Transactions", "Credentials" and "Logs".

Set API Key

In the credentials tab, copy your api key into cell B1.


Click Publish > Deploy as Web App.

Choose a new project version, and assign access to "Anyone, even anonymous".

Click deploy. There will be some warnings because the app isn't verified.

Save the deployed url.

NOTE: Don't share this URL. See disclaimers below.

Create Up Webhook

Remember to replace your-deployed-url and your-token.

curl -XPOST 'https://api.up.com.au/api/v1/webhooks' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer your-token' \
--data-raw '{
    "data": {
        "attributes": {
            "url": "your-deployed-url"

Save the id of the returned webhook.

Ping the Webhook

Remember to replace with your-webhook-id and your-token.

curl -XPOST 'https://api.up.com.au/api/v1/webhooks/your-webhook-id/ping' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer your-token'

Confirm that pinging this new webhook creates a log in the "Logs" tab of your spreadsheet.


All done! Any transactions that are created in your account should now appear in the "Transactions" tab.


  • This is in no way production code - it's just a proof of concept. There is no retry or data integrity logic, and minimal error handling. Please don't use it for anything important.
  • Signatures are not checked as recommended in the API docs, so don't share the URL of your deployed application. Anyone who has the URL could create transaction logs. Google doesn't seem to expose request headers, so implementing this check will probably require a seperate API.
  • There is no logic (yet) to match a held transaction to a settled transaction - all transactions created will appear as seperate rows.