La Crypta Links
Create your own custom like site.
- Netlify Button
- Vercel Button
- Links config
- Title and Page config
- Editable Logo
- Animations on load
- Editable Background
- Editable Colors
- Editable Fonts
Recommended way (updates available)
- Fork this repo
- Import it from your Vercel or Netlify account.
- Edit /data/links.json
For dummies Way:
Click for Vercel or Netlify (Both Free)
And follow the steps for deployment
Wait for the deploy to finish
It might take about 1:30 seconds
Go to your repo in Github
USERNAME must be your Github username
Edit Configuration file
Edit file in /data/links.json
- Click on data directory
Click on data directory and then on links.json
Click on Edit icon on the top-right corner.
Edit the file with your own Social data.
Commit changes
Local Development
First, run the development server:
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.