Reference repo:
Installing (assumes Python 3.9.2)
# create virtual env
$ python -m venv dkenv
# activate the environment
source dkenv/bin/activate
# updgrade pip
pip install --upgrade pip
# install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements-3.9.2.txt
# Before pushing: check code-quality -> isort black flake8
$ pre-commit run --all-files
Code style: use black
to format the code and flake8
to lint (and help you!)
- Create an account
- In your account settings go to
Developer Information
, thenGenerate an API Key
and copy it. - Create a
file in your home with the following lines:
workspace=<YOUR USERNAME>
- Share your username with victor to be added as a collaborator and you're good to go :)
- The main component to execute code is a
object. It's an object-oriented programming way of stitching together many moving parts: pytorch models, data loaders, optimizers, schedulers, losses etc. - The trainer is parametrized by
(options, =hyper-parameters) which are loaded
as a command-line parser (victor made it) meaning any option can be overwritten from the command-lineTrainer
s have asetup()
method to create the datasets, models, etc. then atrain()
method calling:run_epoch()
to execute an epochrun_validation()
to compute the validation lossupdate_early_stopping()
to stop training if the val loss has not improved for the pastopts.early.patience
epochs (7 as of now)
unzip and put sub-folders in datasets/
The fluid simulations are generated using aiphysim/dedalus-dataset/
, which is derived from the This repository.
In order to generate a simulation dataset, run the following:
python --lx [lx] --lz [lz] --nx [nx] --nz [nz] --train [train] --val [val] --dt [dt] --stop_sim_time [stop_sim_time] --rayleigh [rayleigh] --prandtl [prandtl] --ampl_noise [ampl_noise] --seed [seed] --logging_period [logging_period]
The trainer/model opts are not your regular dict, rather an addict
: check out addict to have dot access:
from addict import Dict
opts = Dict({"losses": {"recon": True, "koopman": True}})
opts.epochs = 4
opts.batch_size = 8
The opts
will be loaded from config/defaults.yaml
, then the resulting Dict
will be updated from config/tasks/{task}.yaml
when specifying the task
from the command-line python task={task}
Any parameter can be overwritten from the command-line. Nested keys are dot-separated, eg: python
Note1: Koopman data expects csv files to be stored in datasets/DiscreteSpectrumExample
Note2: To log data to checkout for instructions on how to setup your comet_ml API key: either in ~/.comet.config
or as an environment variable COMET_API_KEY. If you do not want to log progress to comet
, then pass the argument comet.use=False
in the command line.
# using minydra, all options can be overwritten from the command-line
(dkenv) $ python task=discrete epochs=1
# dev mode: quickly getting a trainer and a batch
from aiphysim.trainer import Trainer
trainer = Trainer.debug_trainer()
batch = trainer.dev_batch()
outputs = trainer.model(batch)
- data in the original DeepKoopman code is of shape
(num_shift + 1, batch, dim)
isnumber of shifts (time steps) that losses will use (maximum is len_time - 1)
from pathlib import Path
import h5py
file_path = Path() / "datasets" / "mini-dataset-modest-volhard.h5"
f5 = h5py.File(file_path, 'r')
dataset_0 = f5["trajectory_0"]
# {'delay': 0.0, 'i': 0.2104, 'set': 'training_set1', 't3': 0.0}
array = dataset_0[()]
# (2499, 3, 6) -> 2499 time steps of a 3x3 complex matrix
# array[0, 0, :2] is a + ib, array[0, 0, 2:4] is c + id and array[0, 0, 4:6] is e + if
There are a range of physical constraints / rules which dynamical open system should obey, depending on the precise setup and situation. Starting with the most basic:
- Trace of the density matrix should equal exactly 1 at all times
- The density matrix should equal its Hermitian conjugate
- As a corollary to the above - the diagonal elements should all be real between 0 and 1, and off-diagonal elements should be complex-conjugate.
A few more specific properties which may or may not be relevant for our setup - I'm probably missing some here.
- Depending on system-bath coupling, at equilibrium, the off-diagonal elements should decay to zero
- Also depending on system-bath coupling, at equilibrium, the diagonal elements should thermalize (obey detailed balance condition) to a certain temperature.
- There are certain properties to do with state purity and information flow between system and bath, though they might not be so easily untangled over the course of a laser experiment.
I've had a look at some recent papers on ML method for schemical and open quantum/many-body dynamics. Some are straightforward and some I need to read more carefully. See the list here.