
Core WP Plugin for Digitalis Web Design

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Framework for Digitalis Web Design wordpress installs.

Digitally Down to Earth

“Foxglove, Foxglove,
What do you see?”
The cool green woodland,
The fat velvet bee;
Hey, Mr Bumble,
I’ve honey here for thee!

“Foxglove, Foxglove,
What see you now?”
The soft summer moonlight
On bracken, grass, and bough;
And all the fairies dancing
As only they know how.


The following modules are available out of the box, however each needs to be activated individually at /wp-admin/options-general.php?page=digitalis

🧾 ACF: Show Names for Administrators

Prints field slugs next to their names for qucik reference.

🌈 ACF: Restyle fields

Overrides the default styling of all ACF fields for a modern experience.

🗼 ACF: Height option for wysiwyg fields

Adds an option to wysiwyg fields to set their height in the backend.

🔓 Create Site Admin Role

Adds a new role called 'Site Admin', which is identical to 'Administrator' except for limiting access to Oxygen Builder and ACF admin panels - Perfect for clients!

🤖 Debugging Settings

Allows errors to be displayed for admins only.

📈 Development Monitor

An automatic time tracking system for tracking development time on a per user basis.

🦶 Create Footer Widget Areas

Registers any number of widgets ready for use in the footer or sidebar.

👻 Hide WP Menu

Decultters the front end by hiding the wp admin bar unless its being hovered or viewed on mobile.

🖊️ Log JavaScript Errors

Sends front end js errors to a dedicated log file.

🔑 Customise the Login Page

Override the wordpress logo with a custom graphic on the login view.

🛠️ Maintenance Mode

Drop the site into maintenance mode for visitors.

🚀 Oxygen Templates as ACF locations

Select where fields appears based on the current oxygen template.

🎨 Oxygen global colors in Gutenberg

Get access to the glboal colors defined in oxygen builder directly in the Gutemberg editor

🧰 Oxygen organiser

Displays template inheritance in admin views and add notes to templates for referencing and better organisation.

🌍 Oxygen global variables in SCSS files.

*Get access to global colors, fonts and breakpoints defined in oxygen builder directly in SCSS. (Requires Sassy)

🕢 Page Loader

Display an overlay with a funky CSS loader while the dom loads.

👂 Add Classes to Body on Scroll

Adds scrolled, scroll-down and scroll-up classes to the document body as the user interacts with the page.

🖌️ Style the Scrollbars

Add CSS styles to the sites scrollbars

🖐 Welcome Message

Display a welcome message in the wp dashboard when the user logs in.



Add an inline or embedded SVG for a given meta field.

Attribute Required Default Notes
url !svg URL of the SVG
inline false Embed type
id Element ID
class CSS classes
style Inline styles


Creates a series of inline classes for a given repeater field. This is useful for setting CSS properties such as the 'background-image' when using wrapper shortcodes such as metarepeat and metaunslider.

Attribute Required Default Notes
field ✔️ Repeater field.
subfield ✔️ Subfield of repeater to get CSS value from.
prop ✔️ Target CSS property.
select Name of child selector (example: '.class')
imp Force the styling.


Add a youtube or vimeo video with its ID given by a field

Attribute Required Default Notes
field video_id Repeater field.
aspect 16 / 9 Aspect Ratio
settings Video URL arguments
responsive true Responsive video.
background false Creates a fixed, full device width background video. Overrides responsive, and assumes autoplay, loop, modestbranding and no controls.
service youtube Video service: "youtube" or "vimeo"

Youtube & Vimeo Settings: autoplay, controls, loop
Youtube Settings: modestbranding, disablekb
Missing values are assumed to be '1'. Example: settings="autoplay, loop=1,modestbranding=1,controls=0"


Creates a responsive video gallery. Requires a repeater field with title, ID and service subfields.

Attribute Required Default Notes
field video_gallery Repeater field.
id video_id Video ID subfield.
service video_service Video service subfield ("youtube" or "vimeo").
aspect 16 / 9 Aspect ratio of videos.
columns 3 Max number of columns in gallery. (false = infinite)
margin 10 Video margins.
min-width 300 Video minimium width.


Written and maintained by Jamie Perrelet.
