
Test compilations, shared vs static libraries

Primary LanguageMakefile


Test compilations, shared vs static libraries

Conclusion: very similar use of shared and static libraries. Compilation with shared library requires knowledge of .so path on runtime, via -Wl,-rpath,lib option. Static library is simpler to use.


# compilation using shared library
make clean shared
rm -f ./obj/mod1.o  # object file(s) not nececssary any more ! (the `.mod` file is !)
make main
./bin/main  # that works

# try removing the library
rm -rf lib
./bin/main   # that fails !

# compilation using static library
make clean static main
./bin/main  # that works

# try removing the libray and all compilation objects
rm -rf lib obj include
./bin/main   # that still works !