
Iterative Importance Sampling (IIS) for bayesian parameter estimation of physical models

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Iterative Importance Sampling (IIS) for bayesian parameter estimation of physical models


This module has some bearing with pymc but focuses on relatively computationally- expensive physical models. It is based on Gaussian approximation of parameter distribution and resulting model state, but is more robust than the Ensemble Kalman Filter with respect to deviations from non-linearity (Annan and Hargreave, 2010) In the best cases, it allows convergence of a 50 to 500-member model ensemble within a few 10s of iterations (e.g. notebooks here and there). This is much faster than classical Monte Carlo Markov Chains, which are more general (not limited to Gaussian cases) but require 10,000s of iterations. Even without perfect, steady convergence of the posterior PDF (say, non-linear model with ensemble limited to 50 members), the IIS method can help "tuning" the model ensemble to within the range of observations, which is not always a trivial task "by hand".

The concept is explained in more details as a notebook and in the paper from Annan and Hargreaves (2010), from which this package took its inspiration from.

Getting started

Define some model to estimate.

  • a forward function to integrate the model, here 2-param into scalar:

      def mymodel(params):
          """User-defined model with two parameters
          params : 1-D numpy.ndarray of size 2
          state : float
              return value
          return params[0] + params[1]*2
  • distributions that represent prior knowledge on model parameter and likelihood functions, using scipy.stats distributions:

      from scipy.stats import norm, uniform
      likelihood = norm(loc=1, scale=1)  # normal, univariate distribution mean 1, s.d. 1
      prior = [norm(loc=0, scale=10), uniform(loc=-10, scale=20)] 
  • Use iis to estimate parameters and state:

      from iis import IIS, Model
      model = Model(mymodel, likelihood, prior=prior)  # define the model 
      solver = IIS(model)
      ensemble = solver.estimate(size=500)
  • A number of methods to analyze the results

      ensemble.to_dataframe()     # convert to pandas dataframe
      solver.to_panel()           # convert to pandas panel

Check in-line help for more option on iis.IIS.estimate, iis.Model and so on as well as notebook examples


  • Required:

      - numpy (tested with 1.9.2) 
      - scipy (tested with 0.15.1)
  • Optional:

      - pandas (plotting only) (tested with 0.15.2)


python setup.py install