
Convert types to boolean.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Convert data types to boolean.


This is a very basic utility library to help convert the basic JS data types to boolean. Each type is treated differently:

  • Boolean is returned as-is
  • Function is assumed to be true
  • Number is true for greater-or-less-than 0
  • Object is just cast to boolean (!!), which works for null (as typeof null === "object")
  • String is converted to lower-case and compared to "true" or "1"
  • Symbol is currently treated as always-true
  • Undefined is always false

If none of these types match the passed item, a TypeError is thrown.


Usage is super easy:

var toBool = require("to-bool");

if (toBool(someVariable)) {
	console.log("It's true.");