
It sees everything

Primary LanguageRubyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Panoptes Build Status

The new Zooniverse API for supporting user-created projects.


The Panoptes public API is documented here, using apiary.io.

If you're interested in how Panoptes is implemented check out the wiki.


Panoptes is primarily developed against stable JRuby, currently 1.7.18. It is tested against the following versions:

  • 1.7.18
  • 2.1.5


1. Setup a development environment with Fig and Docker

An easy way to get the full Panoptes stack running (see fig.yml to dig into the setup).



  1. Setup the application configuration files by either
  • If you've got ruby and rake already installed run rake configure
    • Don't try and install these just to run this command, use the shell script below.
  • If not and you have a bash prompt run find config/*.yml.hudson -exec bash -c 'for x; do x=${x#./}; cp -i "$x" "${x/.hudson/}"; done' _ {} +
    • If you're running a different shell then you should be able to figure this out!
  1. Create and run the application containers by running fig up
  • Any error like Invalid repository name (Panoptes), only [a­z0­9­_.] are allowed mean the directory that you have the panoptes source code has capitals in it. Please rename the parent directory to be all lowercase, e.g Panoptes becomes panotpes.
  1. Enable Fig Rake for your terminal session by running export FIG_RAKE=on. If you need to run a task without fig_rake, either open a new terminal window or run unset FIG_RAKE.

  2. Open a new terminal and run rake db:create db:migrate to setup the database

  3. Once step 3 is finished, run rails runner db/fig_dev_seed_data/fig_dev_seed_data.rb to seed the development database with an Admin user and a Doorkeeper client application for API access.

This will get you a working copy of the checked out code base. Keep your code up to date and rebuild the image if needed!

If you've added new gems you'll need to rebuild the docker image by running fig build.

2. Manual installation of Panoptes and dependencies

We strongly recommend using fig and docker to run Panoptes. However, you can also install the required dependencies manually.


  • Ruby

    Panoptes uses some Ruby 2.0 features, so you'll need to put JRuby in 2.0 mode by setting JRUBY_OPTS=--2.0 in your environment. There are also some caveats to getting Ruby 2.0 set up on Ubuntu; read Local-installation-on-an-Ubuntu-VM for more.

  • MySQL (brew install mysql on OSX)

    You will to have MySQL installed to install the mysql gem via bundle install.

Setup the following services to get Panoptes up and running:


Thanks a bunch for wanting to help Zooniverse. Here are few quick guidelines to start working on our project:

  1. Fork the Project on Github.
  2. Clone the code and follow one of the above guides to setup a dev environment.
  3. Create a new git branch and make your changes.
  4. Make sure the tests still pass by running bundle exec rspec.
  5. Add tests if you introduced new functionality.
  6. Commit your changes. Try to make your commit message informative, but we're not sticklers about it. Do try to to add Closes #issue or Fixes #issue somewhere in your message if it's addressing a specific open issue.
  7. Submit a Pull Request
  8. Wait for feedback or a merge!

Your Pull Request will run on travis-ci, and we'll probably wait for it to pass on MRI Ruby 2.1.2 and JRuby 1.7.16 before we take a look at it.


Copyright 2014-2015 by the Zooniverse

Distributed under the Apache Public License v2. See LICENSE