
Handle incoming email from Mailgun in your Django project

Primary LanguagePython


Info:A Django app for receival and storage of incoming emails from Mailgun
Author: Simon Hedberg (http://github.com/hedberg, http://twitter.com/SimonHedberg)

This README is derived from https://github.com/hmarr/django-ses/blob/master/README.rst


Django-Mailgun-Incoming stores email and attached files received through the Mailgun API. The goal of this package is to be easy to use and easy to customise when needed.

Getting started


  • Django 1.3 or higher (class based views).


  • Install the package by cloning the repository to your Python path or install using pip:

    pip install git+https://github.com/hedberg/django-mailgun-incoming.git#egg=mailgun_incoming
  • Add "mailgun_incoming" to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:

        # ...
  • Include urls.

    url('^email/', include('mailgun_incoming.urls')),
  • Point your Mailgun forwarding to the URL used, i.e. /email/incoming/ using the above URL configuration.

  • Settings

    MAILGUN_ACCESS_KEY (optional) - This is used to verify the signature in posted data.

    MAILGUN_VERIFY_SIGNATURE (optional) - This defaults to True if MAILGUN_ACCESS_KEY is specified. Can be set to False for debugging etc.

    MAILGUN_UPLOAD_TO (optional) - This can be used to specify where attachments should be saved. This is passed to the file field. Defaults to 'attachments/'

Basic Usage

Using the default settings incoming emails are stored in the database and triggers the mailgun_incoming.signals.email_received signal for further processing.

These models are included in the package.

  • EmailBaseModel - an abstract base model
  • IncomingEmail - extends the base model adding a user field
  • Attachment - a basic model for storing incoming file attachments.

Processing of incoming data are done in the class based view Incoming.


Customisation can be done by

  • adding processing logic triggered by the email_recieved signal (e.g. connecting a user object to the email)
  • extending the email model
  • passing parameters to the Incoming view
  • subclassing the Incoming view