
Recommender system for cryptocurrencies based on twitter hashtags. Data collected using Tweepy and MongoDB.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


A recommender system for cryptocurrencies based on tweets.


This is my unsupervised learning project for Metis (a data science bootcamp). It includes a script to capture tweets (via Twitter streaming API using tweepy & MongoDB), a brief exploration of NLP, and a recommender system for tweet hashtags.

The focus of the recommender system is to suggest new cryptocurrencies that a user might be interested based on their current interests or portfolio. I captured tweets with cryptocurrency & blockchain related hashtags, then interpreted each user's hashtags as interest indicators. With these indicators, I can find similar users and suggest new hashtags in a collaborative model.

Some concepts explored in this project are dimension reduction (SVD / NMF), recommender systems, and ways of measuring recommender fit.



  • Twitter_Crypto_Stream.py - Script to stream cryptocurrency tweets. Requires a local MongoDB server to store results.
  • Twitter_Mongo_EDA.ipynb - MongoDB exploration of features and extraction of user and tweet text + hashtag fields to new collection
  • Twitter_NLP_Recommender.ipynb - Brief exploration of NLP topic modeling on tweet text, and build / evaluation of recommender system using Recall@N metric


  • Crypto_Recommender_Slides.pdf - Project presentation slides
  • Crypto_Recommender_Writeup.pdf - Outline of project process


I used a Recall@N metric, which simulates an evaluation by showing the recommender all but one of a new user's hashtags. The recommender then outputs the top N recommendations, and we measure how often the holdout hashtag shows up in the recommendation.

As a baseline, I implemented a recommender that simply output the most popular hashtags which the user hasn't used yet. The SVD collaborative filtering improved on the baseline by 1% for Recall@5 and by 17% for Recall@10.