
Edit dns zones with a text editor and RFC2136 nsupdate

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Interactive nsupdate

This script allows to interactively edit DNS records with RFC2136, a HMAC key and nsupdate.


  • dig
  • nsupdate
  • diff
  • colordiff
  • named-checkzone
  • A HMAC key which is allowed to perform update and transfer to a DNS zone

Install packages on Ubuntu

apt install dnsutils diffutils colordiff bind9utils

named-checkzone was not found but package is installed

On Debian named-checkzone is located in /usr/sbin. As normal user you need to add the path to your $PATH variable or create a synlink in /usr/bin so that the Shell and the Tool can find the executable.


usage: nsupdate-interactive.py [-h] (--zone example.com | --get-zone-slug example.com) [--dnsserver ns1.example.com]
                               [--ignore-rrtype RRSIG]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --zone example.com    The zone name
  --get-zone-slug example.com
                        Slugify a zone name for hmac key envs
  --dnsserver ns1.example.com
                        DNS server to use
  --ignore-rrtype RRSIG
                        Ignore RR types, can be used multiple times

Per default, the following RR types will be ignored:

Multiple HMAC Keys

Define multiple HMAC keys as environment variables as follows:

./src/nsupdate-interactive.py --get-zone-slug hüpf.net
./src/nsupdate-interactive.py --get-zone-slug serverless.industries
export HMAC_XN__HPF_HOA_NET=hmac-sha256:my-huepfnet-keyname:THEKEYINBASE64FORMAT
export HMAC_SERVERLESS_INDUSTRIES=hmac-sha256:my-serverless-keyname:THEKEYINBASE64FORMAT

Then the script will look automatically for a per-domain HMAC key:

./nsupdate-interactive.py --zone nerdbridge.de

How it work

./nsupdate-interactive.py --zone example.com

The script will detect the authoritative name server of the specified zone by its SOA record and will generate a pretty formatted zone file. The file will be opened in $EDITOR (fallback is nano) afterwards.

After saving the file it will show a diff:

--- nsupdate_ns1.example.com_example.com_20200926T222019Z.org	2020-09-26 22:20:19.369097326 +0200
+++ nsupdate_ns1.example.com_example.com_20200926T222019Z.new	2020-09-26 22:20:33.768947883 +0200
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 ;; Create new records
 ;; Feel free to add/modify records here
 update add                  example.com.   900  IN  TXT   "v=spf1 +mx -all"
-update add                  example.com.   900  IN  TXT   "Hello Nerds, how are you going?"
+update add                  example.com.   900  IN  TXT   "Hello Nerds, how are you going? :-)"
 update add                  example.com.  3600  IN  MX    10 example.com.
 update add                  example.com.  3600  IN  AAAA  ::1
 update add                  example.com.  3600  IN  A

If the diff is approved with hitting ENTER, the script will use the diff to generate a nsupdate batch file and send it to the nameserver.

The diff and the generated nsupdate batch file are saved as text files in the current working directory.