A convenient command-line interface for solving the classic Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP)
Given locations as GeoJSON point features, find the shortest tour (based on driving travel times) visiting all points.
fio cat point_locations.shp | optimal_tour > points_plus_route.geojson
$ ./optimal_tour.py --help
Usage: optimal_tour.py [OPTIONS] FEATURES...
A command line interface for solving the traveling salesman problem
Input geojson features with point geometries and output the optimal tour
as geojson feature collection.
$ optimal_tour waypoints.geojson | geojson-summary
19 points and 1 line
If using geodesic or directions modes, input must be in lonlat coordinates
Directions mode requires a Mapbox account and a valid token set as the
MAPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable.
--mode [geodesic|cartesian|directions]
Mode for calculating travel costs between
--profile [driving|cycling|walking]
Mapbox profile if using directions
--solver [lkh|concorde] TSP Solver to use
--out-points / --no-out-points output points along with tour linestring
--help Show this message and exit.
- Install a TSP solver, either concorde or LKH, according to these instructions
- Install python dependencies with
pip install -r requirements.txt
- If you want to use directions mode, you'll need a Mapbox account and a valid token set as the
environment variable. - Test it:
optimal_tour.py < waypoints.txt
and you should see a geojson feature collection printed to stdout.
This is just a proof of concept. The continued development will be driven by our collective interest in the project so please contact me via github issues if you have ideas.