
CollectiveAccess 1.6 on OpenShift

Primary LanguagePHP


CollectiveAccess 1.6.1 on OpenShift




  1. Login into OpenShift
  2. Click Add Application
  3. Select PHP-5.4
  4. In Public URL, name your application (e.g. 'collectiveaccess')
  5. In Source Code, type git://github.com/perryrothjohnson/collectiveaccess.git
  6. Leave all other default options, click Create Application
  7. Continue to the application overview page
  8. Add MySQL cartridge to your application
  9. Click 'see the list of cartridges you can add,' and add CRON cartridge to your application
  10. Restart MySQL so server recognizes environmental variables in setup.php: Git clone respoitory, change value of __CA_ADMIN_EMAIL__, git add file, git commit, and git push
  11. Setup SSH keys for your application. If necessary, manually create and upload an SSH key. To upload an SSH key through the webapp, click Settings, add a new Public Key, and paste the contents of ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
  12. In OpenShift, click Want to log in to your application? Copy the command below, and SSH into your application
  13. Set permissions for app/tmp and media directories in CollectiveAccess:
    $ cd app-root/runtime/repo/php/app
    $ mkdir tmp
    $ chmod 757 tmp
    $ cd ..
    $ chmod 757 media
  14. In a browser, go to [public URL]/install and start CollectiveAccess installation
  15. Type in the administrator's email address, select the installation profile (e.g. California Science Center), and click Begin installation
  16. Once installation is complete, login as administrator with the default password that is displayed
  17. Go to MANAGE > Access control. Under User logins, click the edit icon next to administrator. Change the password, and click Save.

Export MySQL database for backup

  1. login to phpmyadmin
  2. click Export
  3. export method: custom
  4. databases: ca
  5. file name template: @SERVER@_%Y-%m-%d
  6. format-specific options: disable foreign key checks, structure and data
  7. click Go