
Place to store our documentation, code samples, etc for public consumption.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Place to store our documentation, code samples, etc for public consumption and contributions.


To contribute, fork the project and submit a pull request! Here's our wishlist.

If you want to submit prospective content but contributing to public documentation takes too much time/planning, submit your idea or draft to the Prospective Docs folder and we'll figure it out from there.

Digging into the repo structure a little:

virtualization -- Contribute docs here! --

This is a mirrored copy of the documentation available on the msdn virtualization site.

The folder structure matched the URL structure for the website.

**For example: ** Say you want to edit the user guide article for working with checkpoints.
msdn location: https://msdn.microsoft.com/virtualization/hyperv_on_windows/user_guide/checkpoints
doc location:

If you add a screen shot or picture, put it in the media folder closest to the article you're contributing to. For the checkpoints userguide, that would be:


Demos of Hyper-V. These are public scripts from various presentations and conferences.

Everything in here was made to present once. There are many egregious hacks. Don't use any of it in production.


Walkthroughs and samples.


Scripts to automate Hyper-V/Windows Container things.