
Open source generator of exercices on various topics in higher education

Primary LanguagePython


What is it ?

This program generates Operating-System level exercises.

Created for the 2020 confined edition of the 'Nuit de l'Info', and more specifically for the UEVE IT dept task. Authors : L. Becquey & S. Besse. Distributed under CC 4.0 Licence BY-SA.


Run this tool on any system (Linux, Mac OS, Windows) that has this prerequisities installed:

  • Python3.8+
  • A LaTeX distribution installed (typically, texlive-core + texlive-science + texlive-latexextra) with the latexmk executable in path.

How to use

./generator.py --title "My first SYE exam" -l [FR|EN] [ --l33t ]

Usage: ./generator.py [ --year --title -l EN --l33t ]

-h, --help Displays this help message -l, --lang [FR, EN] Changes the exercice's output language. --l33t Translates the exercices to l33t-5p34k, to facilitate understanding with the students. Using the option several times increases the l33t level. --title Title of the exam sheet. --year Predicts the TD exercices that will be published in scholar year <arg/arg+1>

Known issues

By nature, the randomness of the generation may result in a very long question and therefore unfeasible or disappearing outside the sheet. Such overfull bad boxes are not great, you may just re-run the tool to yield a new topic.